10 reasons why a hydrogeologist should know MODFLOW

Numerical modeling has become an important part on most hydrogeological investigations. We can even say that the use of numerical models is on “fashion” in decision making processes about groundwater resources.
Numerical models are mathematical interpretations of nature and groundwater flow. They can have limitations, but still they are the best tools available for the understanding of current groundwater flow conditions and the simulation of predictive scenarios on groundwater resources.
This post shows the 10 most important reasons why a common hydrogeologist should know MODFLOW. Reasons are classified among scientific, professional and others.

Numerical modeling with MODFLOW of an Andean basin. 


Scientific reasons

1. MODFLOW is a strong numerical code for groundwater flow regime representation and related physical processes. It is favorite for litigation since it is an open source and promotes transparency.

2. MODFLOW is backed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) with a continuous development of packages, solvers, engines and visualization tools.
3. Numerical modeling gives a higher level of understanding groundwater flow processes and quantification of groundwater balance.
4. MODFLOW is an excellent tool for the simulation of future requirements to groundwater resources.


Professional reasons

5. For a field hydrogeologist, numerical modeling analyzes the relevance of the field investigations, optimizes the time and resources of field work and identifies hot spots of uncertainty.
6. Numerical modeling enhances professional cooperation and long term tracking of hydrogeological investigations.
7. MODFLOW and related tools bring the capability of addressing specific engineering challenges, specially those related to pore pressure and slope stability.
8. MODFLOW promotes scientific dialogue when dealing with the current and future challenges to groundwater resources.


Other reasons

9. MODFLOW boosts your hydrogeological career. Modelers work close to managers and decision makers and have more “professional exposure”.
10. Increase your job opportunities by learning MODFLOW. If you want to change your hydrogeological job, skills on numerical modeling are highly appreciated on the market.

For these 10 reasons, learn MODFLOW today!

Saul Montoya

Saul Montoya es Ingeniero Civil graduado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú en Lima con estudios de postgrado en Manejo e Ingeniería de Recursos Hídricos (Programa WAREM) de la Universidad de Stuttgart con mención en Ingeniería de Aguas Subterráneas y Hidroinformática.


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