25% Off: Diploma in Applied Groundwater Modeling with MODFLOW and Model Muse - Asynchronous

Discount available if you pay before April 09, 2025.

We have designed a complete program on MODFLOW with Model Muse that ranges from the essential topics in flow and transport modeling to applied cases of regional modeling, infrastructure projects, and seawater intrusion. MODFLOW with Model Muse is a recent open-source software that provides various tools for simulating the groundwater flow regime in different environments.  

A numerical groundwater flow model can be the most efficient and effective tool to understand the groundwater flow regimen and to obtain practical information about relationships between the geological environment and surface flow. There needs to be more than a code for groundwater modeling; it is necessary to know both the modeling platform and the physical processes we want to reproduce, and in this particular case, the water dynamics of the hydrogeological system. This program will cover basic, intermediate and advanced topics such as manual/automatic calibration.

This diploma is developed in asynchronous mode that allows students to be more flexible in their schedule and enjoy of instructional materials during 06 months.

Note: This diploma is the recorded version of our last synchronous diploma.


The student will reach the following objectives based on a hands-on learning approach through understanding simple to complex concepts:

  • Learning the Model Muse environment and tools for modeling with MODFLOW.

  • Developing criteria for conceptualization, grid design and selection of boundary conditions.

  • Designing strategies for data collection, model construction, calibration and analysis.

  • Analyzing the water balance model and exporting model data to other platforms.

  • Performing manual and automated calibrations.


The diploma is divided into seven modules, described below.. See the complete diploma syllabus on this link.

The summarized content of every module is described below:

Module 1: Groundwater Modeling using MODFLOW 6 and Model Muse

This course develops the main functions and applications of the latest version of the MODFLOW 6 groundwater modeling code through the ModelMuse interface, both developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). These versions of MODFLOW and Model Muse include innovative tools for constructing and simulating hydrogeological models, mainly highlighting the incorporation of the discretization option for discretized vertices grids (DISV)…more info.

  • Session 1: Introduction to MODFLOW 6

  • Session 2: DISV Package and quadtree refinements

  • Session 3: Advanced packages

  • Session 4: Particle tracking

  • Session 5: Three-dimensional anisotropy

  • Session 6: River-aquifer interaction modeling on a quadtree mesh with Modflow 6 …more info.

Module 2: Contaminant Transport Modeling using MODFLOW and MT3D

Once we have covered the flow models in Modflow, we will develop exercises focused on the construction and simulation of solute transport in groundwater flow systems that have evolved rapidly in recent years, driven by the increased interest in knowledge of aquifer pollution. The MT3D package, implemented by MODFLOW, provides a tool for synthesizing these processes, evaluating their interactions and testing the effectiveness of groundwater remediation measures.…more info.

  • Session 1: Two-dimensional transport in a diagonal flow field

  • Session 2: Transport modeling with observation points

  • Session 3: Contaminant injection on a multilayer model with mesh refinement

  • Session 4: Two-dimensional vertical transport in a heterogeneous aquifer 

  • Session 5: Two-dimensional flow simulation with remediation technique 

  • Session 6: Simulation of impact from pit latrines on water wells…more info.

Module 3: Regional Modeling with Modflow and Model Muse

Regional groundwater modeling is an important task in strategic water management that the users can use to assess the current groundwater situation and predict future conditions. It is also frequently used to quantify recharge and discharge and evaluate aquifer parameters. This course presents the main functions and applications of MODFLOW for regional groundwater modeling, three basins with different aquifer settings and boundary conditions are used as case studies to demonstrate the use of these tools so that the participants learn how to build these models and analyze the results for future decision-making…more info.

  • Session 01: Regional model I

  • Session 02: Building a Regional model II

  • Session 03: Assigning boundary conditions for a Regional model II

  • Session 04: Analysis of water balance of model II and visualization results

  • Session 05: Regional model III construction

  • Session 06: Simulation of a Regional model III…more info.

Module 4: Infrastructure Modeling 

Infrastructure projects on the local, meso and regional scale can interact with shallow or deep groundwater flow regimes. There is a need to evaluate the potential impact of an infrastructure project for the engineering phase to design mitigation strategies and drainage schemas. This course covers three applied cases covering the groundwater impact simulation of trenches, tunnels and excavations…more info.

  • Session 01: Modeling a trench excavation with flow barrier (HFB) in Modflow 6 on a quadtree mesh

  • Session 02: Transient Modflow 6 modeling of an infrastructure tunnel with quadtree refinement

  • Session 03: Numerical Modeling of Construction Site Dewatering…more info.

Module 5: Seawater Intrusion Modeling with Modflow, Model Muse and SWI2

The continuous exploitation of groundwater in coastal areas has intensified the phenomenon of salinization by inducing a salt wedge from the sea or deep saline horizons with a constant decrease in water quality. The SWI2 package is the latest release of the Seawater Intrusion (SWI) package for MODFLOW. This package allows simulating with MODFLOW vertically integrated three-dimensional variable-density groundwater flow and marine intrusion in coastal multi-aquifer systems. In this course, you will learn how to use Modlow and SWI to evaluate saline intrusion cases in contact with groundwater…more info.

  • Session 01: Construction of Model I of saline intrusion in a coastal aquifer.

  • Session 02: Model I simulation of saline intrusion in a coastal aquifer.

  • Session 03: Evaluation of a Model II of saline intrusion in a coastal aquifer…more info.

Module 6: Modflow in Mining with Modflow and Model Muse

Modeling groundwater inflows to pit and underground mines and assessing the impact of mining projects on the surrounding groundwater flow regime is vital for the planning, engineering and performing of mining projects. Mine working interaction with the groundwater flow regime is a dynamic process that the user can model with standard MODFLOW packages implemented on Model Muse. This platform has high performance due to its "design by objects" that optimizes the conceptualization of boundary conditions and other model elements, reducing construction time and improving the interpretation of output data. This course covers the use of MODFLOW with Model Muse for numerical modeling of the groundwater flow impact from pit development, underground mines and seepage from water dumps and tailings storage facilities…more info.

  • Session 01: Modeling underground mine inflows with MODFLOW

  • Session 02: Seepage flow modeling from mine dumps with Modflow and MT3DMS

  • Session 03: Construction of a tailings dam model I

  • Session 04: Simulation of seepage flow from a tailings dam model I

  • Session 05: Construction of the drainage pit model II

  • Session 06: Simulation of drainage pit model II…more info.

Module 7: Automatic and Manual Calibration with Modflow and Pest

The calibration of hydrogeological models can be defined as the procedure to adjust the hydraulic parameters of the model where the resulting hydraulic heads and flows are as close as possible to the observed values. Due to the complexities of hydraulic parameter distribution, model geometry, the conceptualization of boundary conditions, and other factors, the calibration procedure can be time-consuming and sometimes with limited success; however, there are tools implemented on Model Muse as PEST that speed up the process of calibration and uncertainty analysis in groundwater models. In this course, manual calibration will be developed using geospatial tools such as QGIS and Modflow with Model Muse for parameter adjustment. Automatic calibration cases will also be created using the PEST tool from Modflow with Model Muse…more info.

  • Session 01: The applied case of hydrogeological conceptual modeling on a hillslope area with QGIS and Modflow with Model Muse

  • Session 02: Groundwater Modeling on a Hillslope Area - Model Construction

  • Session 03: Manual Calibration of a Groundwater Flow Model in MODFLOW 6 with Model Muse

  • Session 04: Basic PEST on a local scale model

  • Session 05: Automatic calibration of MODFLOW 6 with Pest in heterogeneous media with two observation types

  • Session 06: Distributed parameter estimation using pilot points of a MODFLOW 6 - PEST peninsula model…more info.


Saul Montoya M.Sc.

Hydrogeologist - Numerical Modeler

Mr. Montoya is a Civil Engineer graduated from the Catholic University in Lima with postgraduate studies in Management and Engineering of Water Resources (WAREM Program) from Stuttgart University – Germany with mention in Groundwater Engineering and Hydroinformatics. Mr Montoya has a strong analytical capacity for the interpretation, conceptualization and modeling of the surface and underground water cycle and their interaction. 

He is in charge of numerical modeling for contaminant transport and remediation systems of contaminated sites. Inside his hydrological and hydrogeological investigations Mr. Montoya has developed a holistic comprehension of the water cycle, understanding and quantifying the main hydrological dynamic process of precipitation, runoff, evaporation and recharge to the groundwater system. 

Over the last 9 years Saul has developed 2 websites for knowledge sharing in water resources: www.gidahatari.com (Spanish) and www.hatarilabs.com (English) that have become relevant due to its applied tutorials on groundwater modeling, spatial analysis and computational fluid mechanics.

Methodology / Examination

Mode: Offline - Asynchronous

Some details about the diploma methodology:

  • Manuals and files for the exercises will be delivered on our elearning platform.

  • The course will be developed by video recorded videos will be available on our elearning platform.

  • There is support for questions regarding the exercises developed through the forum/email.

  • Video of the classes will be available for 6 months only for students that register by https://shop.hatarilabs.com/

The exams are certification is organized as follows:

  • The program has 3 exams that comprise the content of 2 courses.

  • Digital certificate available at the end of the program upon the exam approval.

  • To receive the digital certificate you must submit the exams.

Cost and payment method

Discount available if you pay before April 09, 2025.

The cost with 25% discount is $ 990 dollars.


You can make the payment and registe in our new e-commerce site:


After payment send us a message to: saulmontoya@hatarilabs.com in order to confirm your enrrollment in the courses.


Saul Montoya

Saul Montoya es Ingeniero Civil graduado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú en Lima con estudios de postgrado en Manejo e Ingeniería de Recursos Hídricos (Programa WAREM) de la Universidad de Stuttgart con mención en Ingeniería de Aguas Subterráneas y Hidroinformática.

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