Basic example of groundwater modeling with MODFLOW6 and Flopy in Google Colab - Tutorial

Basic example of MODFLOW 6 groundwater flow modeling with Flopy. The model is multilayered and runs on transient conditions with the recharge, well and river boundary conditions implemented. The example also load model results and create head distributions with flow direction plots with Matplotlib.

The example runs entirely on the Google Colab platform with the use of a Github repository with the MODFLOW 6 executables. This workflow is intended to give a complete online experience of groundwater modeling without any particular computer/software requirement.

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Topobathymetric elevation generation for flood modeling with geospatial Python

Elevation maps that represent surface and river bathymetry are an essential input for flood modeling in software like HEC-RAS. Even with the latest version of high profile open source GIS software as QGIS the combination of a surface elevation map and a river bottom elevation map is a challenge that requires many turnaround, conversion and manual labour. We have developed a useful script that works with surface and river bottom elevation in a "smart" way and creates a geospatial raster with the topobathymetric elevation by the use of geospatial Python libraries as Shapely and Rasterio. The script also includes some key steps to identify the river body and treat the missing values on the bathymetry map.

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4 applied courses in groundwater modeling with MODFLOW - Flopy and more

Besides doing amazing tutorials in groundwater modeling with MODFLOW and Flopy we also have the most complete set of Flopy courses applied to different areas of groundwater resources evaluation and impact assessment. But, there is more: we have a whole program that trains you from zero knowlege of Python to develop fully featured groundwater flow models. 

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Geological Modeling of Sedimentary Layers from Geospatial Data with Python and Aquifer App - Tutorial

A practical example for constructing a geological model using Python and Aquifer App, based on geospatial data in ESRI Shapefile format and raster data in Tiff format. The tutorial demonstrates the complete procedure of spatial data processing using libraries such as Geopandas, Rasterio, and Pyvista to create surface and orientation files, which are then input into Aquifer App. Finally, the project is run locally in Gempy, generating the geometry of lithology and contacts.

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How to create a Geological Model from a Point Shapefile with Gempy and Aquifer App - Tutorial

This is an applied case were we build a geological model only with lithology information stored as a point shapefile. The tutorial covers all steps from raster (array) generation for all surfaces together with the orientation sampling and format of surfaces/orientations as Gempy input files. The generated data was inserted in the Aquifer App that implements an interface to create Gempy models. Finally the lithology and layer surface geometry was exported as Vtk to be represented on Paraview with the initial data to evaluate the accuracy of the simulation.

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Geological modeling of a petroleum system with Gempy, Gemgis and Aquifer App - Tutorial

Aquifer App offers a friendly, clean and powerful way to create Gempy scripts for geological modeling. We have developed an applied case of a 3D petroleum system model for a part of the Williston Basin, USA that contains the Nesson Anticline. Top layer information was provided as raster format where elevation and orientation for random points were extracted with Python codes using the Gemgis package and exported in Gempy input file format. On Aquifer App the processed CSV files were inserted and the geological model was set up with the corresponding geological sequence. 

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Export 3d Geological Units as Vtk format with Gempy and Aquifer App - Tutorial

Aquifer App offers a friendly, clean and powerful way to create Gempy scripts for geological modeling. The platform also allows users to run the scripts and download the whole modeling project that has the 3D geometry of the geological units and faults in Vtk format. This tutorial shows an applied case of geological data visualization, model creation, model run, export and representation of the Vtk files in Paraview.

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Regional geological modeling with surface topography with Gempy and Aquifer App - Tutorial

The coupling of Python scripts with the Aquifer App platform allows us to generate geological models with a versatility not seen before. This is a basic example of regional geological modeling in Aquifer App with surface topography from a digital elevation model in TIF format. The tutorial also makes a 3D representation of the contacts and orientations of the one layer geology in a Jupyter notebook for better analysis of the geological sequence.

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Geological modeling of a recumbent fold with Gempy and Aquifer App - Tutorial

The coupling of Python scripts with the Aquifer App platform allows us to generate geological models with a versatility not seen before. This is a basic example of geological modeling of an recumbent fold in Aquifer App that can create models using Gempy. The tutorial also makes a 3D representation of the contacts and orientations of the layers in a Jupyter notebook for better analysis of the geological sequence.

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Flood simulation from direct rainfall with Python and Landlab - Tutorial

Simulation of direct precipitation events over a surface is important to assess the impacted areas and manage disaster situations. Response to precipitation is evaluated over cells in a 2D model and runoff is routed to the stream networks. Landlab is a Python library for a variety of surface processes and can model shallow water flow over topography with a variety of algorithms. We have developed an applied case of direct rainfall for flood modeling over a geospatial raster where an initial water height is applied and then flows over the surface. Resulting water heights are exported as geospatial rasters.

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Geological modeling of an anticline structure with Gempy and Aquifer App - Tutorial

The coupling of Python scripts with the Aquifer App platform allows us to generate geological models with a versatility not seen before. This is a basic example of geological modeling of an anticline structure in Aquifer App that can create models using Gempy. The tutorial also makes a 3D representation of the contacts and orientations of the layers in a Jupyter notebook for better analysis of the geological sequence.

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Missing Crop Vegetation Areas Detection with Python and Scikit Learn

An applied case for the recognition of missing crop vegetation areas based on a drone orthophoto. Contours have been identified from an enhanced combination of raster bands with a marching squares method to find constant valued contours and then exported as geospatial polygons.

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Simplify / densify stream network online with Hatari Utils - Tutorial

Watershed delineation and stream network determination are common tasks on the hydrological analysis for any area of interest. There is a parameter on the stream network determination that allows us to have simple stream networks that resemble the main water courses or dense stream networks that map all the permanent / temporary streams. This is an applied example of  stream network determination on our online platform Hatari Utils where you can specify the number of upstream cells and interactively review the result.

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Watershed delineation for basins containing internal lakes / reservoirs with Hatari Utils - Tutorial

Hydrological basins could have a diversity of shapes due to the morphology and it´s a challenge to have a process that can delineate basins with different characteristics in a short amount of time. Hatari Utils is an online platform for hydrogeological analysis that has a tool for basin delineation, in this tutorial we have tested the capabilities of Hatari Utils to delineate a basin that has an internal lake.

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ModelMuse version 5.2 has been released, explore what is new version.

Even though that the version 5.2 was released on March 22 2024 we just found time to make a video explaning the new features of this version and where they are implemented on the graphical user interfase. This new version of Model Muse allows to simulate variable density and variable viscosity flow among other features of Modflow 6. Have a look on the video and wait for our comming applied tutorials related to these new features.

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Basic tutorial of online geological modeling with Gempy in AquiferApp

Gempy is an open-source library for modeling geology written in Python. The library is capable of creating complex 3D geological models including structures, fault networks, and unconformities and it can be coupled with uncertainty analysis.

Hatarilabs have developed an online platform to create geological models with Gempy with minimal effort. The online tool is called GempyApp and runs under AquiferApp ( This tutorial shows an applied example of geologic modeling of 4 layers with a fault. The tutorial covers the steps of point and orientation file input, definition of fault/strats and geological sequence, show data stats and tables, run the geological model interpolation and plot results.

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Seawater speciation modeling on cloud with Aquifer App and Phreeqc - Tutorial

No more installations, no more database link up, no more raw text data as model output. Aquifer App now can run Phreeqc with great tools for the geochemical model setup, database selection and tables / graphics for the different simulation components.

This applied example calculates the distribution of aqueous species in seawater and the saturation state of seawater relative to a set of minerals and is based on the Example 1 of the USGS Phreeqc example documentation.

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Online tools for groundwater modeling preprocessing with Model Muse - Tutorial

If you want to speed up some steps in groundwater modeling you might be interested in the tools presented on this tutorial. We have developed some online tools that replace intense and time consuming tasks on desktop software and web servers and provide vector and raster data on the formats required by Model Muse. The tutorial covers the steps of DEM generation as Surfer Grid File (*.grd) with the definition of watersheds and river network based on two online services provided by Hatarilabs.

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How to direct download / clip elevations and import them to Model Muse with Python - Tutorial

If you work often with numerical models this process will save you much time. The traditional method of downloading elevation models (Aster DEM) from websites, and reprojecting / clipping them with GIS software can be time consuming and pulls you out of other critical tasks on model conceptualization and calibrations. We have done a complete process in Python under WSL that runs Ubuntu in Windows, this platform was chosen due to the complexities of installing GDAL in Windows.

There are two scripts, one to download the images and the second to translate and clip the image. Finally the elevation are imported as a Surfer Grid File (*.grd) into a model in Model Muse.

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Tutorial to do a tutorial in open source software for water resources

Let's have a look at the tutorial concept in its real dimension. A tutorial is a period of instruction that provides practical information about a specific topic. The tutorial can be given by an individual or institution and has a goal to teach you something or master you in something you didn't know before.

However in water resources software, we don’t see the tutorial as a part of the documentation or a key part of the learning experience. The tutorial is in fact an essential part needed to understand the whole capabilities of the software in practical exercises. It´s true that most software delivery exercises of different applied cases, but we can’t say they are tutorial in fact because those exercises lack a perspective of guided work.

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