How to record GPS position on a Postgresql database using a Raspberry Pi - Tutorial
/Nowadays we can track GPS position with several devices as smartphones, wearables and handheld devices, but how can we store massive GPS positions on a effective way for later postprocessing, analysis and comparison with another device information. We have created a whole procedure enable the a GPS module as a serial device on a Raspberry Pi, then read the GPS information and sent it to a Postgresql database. The tutorial have several steps from the software installation, scripting to monitoring stored data.
GPS connection
This the wiring for the UBlox Neo 6M:
VCC 3.3V (Pin 1)
RX TXD/GPIO 14 (Pin 8)
TX RXD/GPIO 15 (Pin 10)
GND Ground (Pin 6)
Check the Raspberry Pi pinout here:
On a session with the Raspberry:
Connect to wifi
Enable ssh on Preferences/Rasbberry Pi Configuration/Interfaces/SSH
Check the internal IP on terminal:
Conect through Putty (in Windows):
Host Name: pi@192.168.1.XX Port:22
Enable UART:
On prompt: sudo raspi-config
On 5. Interfacing Options / P6 Serial:
Would you like a login ... ? = No
Would you like the serial ... ? = Yes
Finish and Reboot
Check if gps send info to the serial:
cat /dev/serial0
Install postgres:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install postgresql
Check if database is running:
sudo service postgresql status
Create default user and table:
sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser pi
Create user:
postgres@raspberrypi:~$ createuser --interactive -P
Enter name of role to add: hatari
Enter password for new role: labs
Enter it again: labs
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
Create table:
createdb -O hatari gpsposition
Check databases and create table:
psql gpsposition -U hatari -h localhost
\c gpsposition
CREATE TABLE datecoords (
id serial primary key,
easting numeric,
northing numeric,
elevation numeric,
date timestamp
\d datecoords
Install sqlalchemy, psycopg2 and pynmea:
pip3 install sqlalchemy
pip3 install psycopg2
pip3 install pynmea2
Create a directory for scripts:
mkdir gpsScripts
cd gpsScripts
Create a script to read and store gps data:
Run script (for 30 secs):
Check if records are located on the database:
psql gpsposition -U hatari -h localhost
SELECT * FROM datecoords;
Run script on the background:
chmod +x
nohup /home/pi/gpsScripts/ > output.log &
Check if the script is running:
ps ax | grep
You can check the database as well:
psql gpsposition -U hatari -h localhost
select * from datecoords order by date desc limit 10;
This is the Python script that reads the serial information, parse the NMEA codes and store the data in the database.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import io, time, os, serial import pynmea2 from datetime import datetime,date, timedelta from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, Float, Date from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker db_string = "postgres://hatari:labs@localhost:5432/gpsposition" db = create_engine(db_string) base = declarative_base() Session = sessionmaker(db) session = Session() class Coords(base): __tablename__ = 'datecoords' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) easting = Column(Float) northing = Column(Float) elevation = Column(Float) date = Column(Date) ser = serial.Serial('/dev/serial0', 9600, timeout=5.0) sio = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BufferedRWPair(ser, ser)) while True: try: line = sio.readline() if line[:6]=="$GPGGA": msg = pynmea2.parse(line) print(msg.latitude,msg.longitude,msg.altitude) gpsTime = datetime.combine(, msg.timestamp) gpsRead = Coords(easting=msg.latitude, northing=msg.longitude, elevation=msg.altitude,date= gpsTime + timedelta(hours=1)) session.add(gpsRead) session.commit() except serial.SerialException as e: print('Device error: {}'.format(e)) break except pynmea2.ParseError as e: print('Parse error: {}'.format(e)) continue