7:00 PM19:00

Open Webinar: Calibration of Voronoi mesh regional models with Python, Flopy and mf6Voronoi - 5 Mar 2025

This is an applied case of model calibration on a regional scale taking into account 10 piezometers over 6 hydrogeological units and a drain conductance. The model has a Voronoi mesh created from the catchment extension, the river network and piezometer location. Python scripting has been optimized with utils from the mf6Voronoi package. Comparison and statistics among observed and calculated heads are finally generated and discussed.

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to Mar 20

Online Course in Applied Groundwater Flow Modeling with MODFLOW6, Python and Flopy - 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20 March 2025

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

FloPy is the Python library that builds and runs a set of MODFLOW models and utilities like its latest version: MODFLOW6. This library has been enhanced to provide comprehensive support for MODFLOW 6, with most of its development focused on MODFLOW 6 functionality. The package includes tools for working with spatial vector and raster data, implement most of MODFLOW6 package and options, as well as common plotting and export functionalities.

This course introduces participants to the open-source Python programming language and FloPy library for MODFLOW 6 modeling. The course has applied examples that create model input files, run models, and analyze simulation results.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Regional groundwater flow modeling with Voronoi mesh on MODFLOW6 DISV and Flopy - 12 Feb 2025

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This example develops a groundwater model in MODFLOW6 DISV that implements a Voronoi mesh generated from the basin boundary and river network with the mf6Voronoi packages that allow high performance meshing fully coupled with geospatial data. On the Voronoi mesh, the refinement levels are defined by a minimum cell size, maximum cell size and a multiplier. The applied case covers all steps on model discretization, construction, simulation and 2D visualization.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Basic example of groundwater modeling with MODFLOW6 and Flopy in Google Colab - 22 Jan 2025

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Basic example of MODFLOW 6 groundwater flow modeling with Flopy. The model is multilayered and runs on transient conditions with the recharge, well and river boundary conditions implemented. The example also load model results and create head distributions with flow direction plots with Matplotlib. The example runs entirely on the Google Colab platform with the use of a Github repository with the repositories. This workflow is intended to give a complete online experience of groundwater modeling without any particular computer/software requirement.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Watershed and River Network Delineation from ESA GLO-30 elevations and Hatari Utils - 15 Jan 2025

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

There is a new dataset from the European Space Agency (ESA) called Copernicous DEM (GLO-30) that has global coverage with raster resolution of 30m available to download from the Copernicous Dataspace. We have prepared an applied case to access this dataset, download and clip for an area of study and process it into Hatari Utils that provides the watershed and river network delineation on spatial format. The example also covers the options to determine the accumulation area and explore other outputs from the platform.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Topobathymetric elevation generation for flood modeling with geospatial Python - 8 Jan 2025

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Elevation maps that represent surface and river bathymetry are an essential input for flood modeling in software like HEC-RAS. Even with the latest version of high profile open source GIS software as QGIS the combination of a surface elevation map and a river bottom elevation map is a challenge that requires many turnaround, conversion and manual labour.

We have developed a useful script that works with surface and river bottom elevation in a "smart" way and creates a geospatial raster with the topobathymetric elevation by the use of geospatial Python libraries as Shapely and Rasterio. The script also includes some key steps to identify the river body and treat the missing values on the bathymetry map.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Piper diagram generation over water samples from a mining project EIA with Aquifer App - 27 Dec 2024

We have developed an applied case of Piper diagram generation over water samples from piezometers and springs from an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) on a mining project. The procedure covers all steps to format concentrations and generate the Piper diagram online in Aquifer App ( A discussion of the point distribution is performed based on the chemistry data, spatial distribution, and geology.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Introduction to Water Reservoir System Modeling with HEC-ResSim - 4 Dec 2024

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This webinar covers an applied case of reservoir modeling at the discharge point of an andean basin. The example covers the steps to set up the watershed,  define the reservoir network, simulate the hydrological alternative and explore output hydrographs and tables.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Modeling Hydrogeological Units from Raster Data with Aquifer App and Gempy - 20 Nov 2024

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Construction of complex and high performance groundwater modes requires an appropriate distribution of the hydrogeological units with depth. We have developed an applied case of 3D modeling of hydrogeological units from data provided as raster (*.tiff) files. The webinar all steps from orientation and elevation sampling from raster data, the conceptualization and setup of the Gempy model in Aquifer App and finally the postprocessing of the 3D lithology based on the surface elevation. The input data comes from the USGS research on the aquifer Systems in the Williston and Powder River Structural Basins, United States and Canada.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: How to create a MODFLOW 6 model from geospatial data with Python and Flopy, Nov 13 2024

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We have developed an applied case of groundwater model discretized from ESRI Shapefiles with refinement areas. Boundary conditions are also set up from spatial data with the intersect functionality of Flopy. Model surface and layer bottom are imported / processed from xyz point data. The simulation is run for one steady  and ten transient stress periods and results are plotted for head on aerial view and cross section.

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to Jan 6

Diploma in Python for Water Resources, Nov 2024 - Feb 2025

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hatarilabs presents its own educational program designed for mastering Python in real professional and academic environments. The program has an extensive practical work that goes from the basic concepts of Python, Numpy and Pandas to specific applications in water resources and geosciences coupled with geospatial analysis and machine learning.

We are sure that Python is a tool / asset for hydrologists, hydrogeologist, geoscientist or related professionals and we know that only practice can give you the Python level you need to apply in everyday data analysis or numerical modeling. The amount of hours, the topics covered together with the examination and certification processes give you a strong reference of Python on your professional capabilities.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Modeling Variable Viscosity Groundwater Flow with MODFLOW 6 and Model Muse - Oct 23 2024

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In order to improve the accuracy of a groundwater flow simulation we need a strong conceptual model, a high quality observation dataset and a numerical code that can handle specific characteristics of the groundwater flow we want to evaluate. MODFLOW 6 can deal with variable density flow with the BUY package and also with variable viscosity with the VSC package that is implemented on the latest versions of Model Muse. This webinar covers an applied case of variable viscosity modeling due to the injection of salinity and heat to a model with regional groundwater flow. The main features for the implementation of the VSC package are explained and the resulting concentrations on two observation points are evaluated with Flopy codes.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Groundwater Modeling of Faults and Fractures with Modflow6 - Disv on Model Muse, Oct 1 2024

This webinar covers an applied case of regional groundwater modeling with a group of regional fractures that define areas of small cell size. The applied case covers the construction of a groundwater model with a refinement that ranges from 100m on the outer parts of the model to 15 meters in the area close to the faults.

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to Sep 30

Applied Course in Seawater Intrusion Modeling with MODFLOW6, Model Muse and Flopy - 18, 20, 23, 25, 27, 30 September 2024

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Evaluation of saltwater intrusion, analysis of salt distribution in groundwater, and prediction of future scenarios requires the use of numerical tools that are in constant development. The latest tool available for variable density flow developed by the USGS is the BUY package from MODFLOW6 that is implemented in Flopy and Model Muse. The combination of these tools allows creation of groundwater flow models for seawater intrusion in a short period of time, precise analysis of water balances and brine concentration and potential coupling with other tools such as PEST.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Automatic calibration of a drainage groundwater model with sheet piles with MODFLOW6, Model Muse & PEST - 13 Sep 2024

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The application of PEST to real conditions is a challenge since it involves the setup of the automated parameter estimation and the complexities of the groundwater response. We have developed an applied case of automatic parameter estimation on a groundwater flow model related to a site drainage with 6 pumps and steel sheet piles. The calibration is based on observations from a pumping well and two outer monitoring points over a period of 120 days. The case involves as well the sensitivity analysis of hydraulic conductivities from heterogeneous soil and sheet piles together with the conductance of neighboring water channels.

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6:00 AM06:00

Open webinar: Coupling local geological data into Model Muse with Python and Aquifer App - 2 Set 2024

There are many topics to take into account when we create a groundwater flow model. One of the most important is to represent the available geological information into the distribution the hydraulic parameters. We have researched a simple and reproducible workflow to create a geological model from point shapefile and insert the modeled geological units into Model Muse with corresponding K values. This webinar cover the whole procedure to create a geological model with Gempy and Aquifer App and the necessary codes to create a xyz shapefile that is later imported in Model Muse with the Kx value extracted from the attribute table.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Petroleum system modeling with Gempy, Gemgis and Aquifer App - 2 Aug 2024

Aquifer App offers a friendly, clean and powerful way to create Gempy scripts for geological modeling. We have developed an applied case of a 3D petroleum system model for a part of the Williston Basin, USA that contains the Nesson Anticline. Top layer information was provided as raster format where elevation and orientation for random points were extracted with Python codes using the Gemgis package and exported in Gempy input file format. On Aquifer App the processed CSV files were inserted and the geological model was set up with the corresponding geological sequence. 

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Flood simulation from direct rainfall with Python and Landlab - 27 Jun 2024

Simulation of direct precipitation events over a surface is important to assess the impacted areas and manage disaster situations. Response to precipitation is evaluated over cells in a 2D model and runoff is routed to the stream networks. Landlab is a Python library for a variety of surface processes and can model shallow water flow over topography with a variety of algorithms. We have developed an applied case of direct rainfall for flood modeling over a geospatial raster where an initial water height is applied and then flows over the surface. Resulting water heights are exported as geospatial rasters.


Saul Montoya M.Sc

Hydrogeologist - Numerical Modeler

Mr. Montoya is a Civil Engineer graduated from the Catholic University in Lima with postgraduate studies in Management and Engineering of Water Resources (WAREM Program) from Stuttgart University – Germany with mention in Groundwater Engineering and Hydroinformatics. Mr Montoya has a strong analytical capacity for the interpretation, conceptualization and modeling of the surface and underground water cycle and their interaction. He is in charge of numerical modeling for contaminant transport and remediation systems of contaminated sites. Inside his hydrological and hydrogeological investigations Mr. Montoya has developed an holistic comprehension of the water cycle, understanding and quantifying the main hydrological dynamic process of precipitation, runoff, evaporation and recharge to the groundwater system.

Event date

Thursday, Jun 27 2024 6:00 p.m. Amsterdam Time


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to Jun 28

Online Course: Applied Geochemical Modeling with Phreeqc, Aquifer App and Python - 17, 19, 21, 24, 26 and 28 June 2024

Phreeqc is a software developed by the USGS written in C++ capable of modeling a variety of aqueous geochemical processes such as mixing of waters, modeling equilibrium between solid and aqueous phase, modeling impact of temperature, calculation of element concentration among others.

Hatarilabs has developed an applied and unique course of Phreeqc integrated with an online platform Aquifer App that can run, parse and provide Phreeqc output as tables and figures. The platform also allows exporting model data for further analysis with other Python libraries on a Jupyter notebook. The course also offers a brief explanation of the most common Phreeqc keywords when they are implemented on the simulations.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Modeling Lithium brine pumping impact with Modflow 6 and Model Muse - Jun 14 2024

Lithium is present in some salt lakes along with other brines in different concentrations. In order to simulate the right groundwater flow regime of Lithium brine along other brines we need to model variable density flow from multiple species. This type of modeling is possible on the latest versions of Modflow 6 with the BUY package and Model Muse. 

We have developed an applied case of variable density flow modeling on a andean salt lake that is pumped from 3 wells in 10 years. The model has a grid refinement close to the lake and works with 6 brines: B(OH)3, NaHCO3, NaCl, KHSO4, LiHSO4 and NaHSO4. The example implements the BUY package with all the required parameters together with the configuration of the boundary conditions and initial conditions. Concentration and water balances are processed with Python to evaluate the brine migration over time and the impact of pumping on the water balance.

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to Sep 30

Diploma in Python for Water Resources and Geoscience - Asynchronous

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hatarilabs presents its educational program designed for mastering Python in real professional and academic environments. The program has an extensive practical work that goes from the basic concepts of Python, Numpy and Pandas to specific applications in water resources and geosciences coupled with geospatial analysis and machine learning.

We are sure that Python is a tool / asset for hydrologists, hydrogeologist, geoscientist or related professionals and we know that only practice can give you the Python level you need to apply in everyday data analysis or numerical modeling. The amount of hours, the topics covered together with the examination and certification processes give you a strong reference of Python on your professional capabilities.

This diploma is developed in asynchronous mode that allows students to be more flexible in their schedule and enjoy of instructional materials during 06 months.

Note: This diploma is the recorded version of our last synchronous diploma.

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to Oct 24

30% Off: Program in Hydrological Modeling with SWAT+ and QGIS - Asynchronous

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hatarilabs presents the professional program to master SWAT+ (Soil Water Assessment Tool), which is a tool that allows the evaluation of soil and water for hydrographic basins based on Hydrological Response Units (HRU). SWAT+ is used to predict the long-term impact of land use on the generation of runoff, sediments, and nutrient transport, among others. In addition, because of its ability to include various models, such as water balance, and its full compatibility with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools, SWAT+ is extremely popular among professionals in water resources.

This program is designed to provide systematical learning from the most basic and general topics to intermediate and advanced topics, allowing the student to understand the various steps in developing hydrological models using the SWAT+ interface for QGIS. This program has a series of theoretical and practical concepts that allow the student to process spatial data, manage meteorological databases, build hydrological models, develop sensitivity analyses, and perform manual and automatic calibrations using versatile tools such as SWAT+ Toolbox, SQLite, and Python. 

This program is developed in asynchronous mode that allows students to be more flexible in their schedule and enjoy of instructional materials during 06 months.

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to Oct 9

25% Off: Diploma in Applied Groundwater Modeling with MODFLOW and Model Muse - Asynchronous

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We have designed a complete program on MODFLOW with Model Muse that ranges from the essential topics in flow and transport modeling to applied cases of regional modeling, infrastructure projects, and seawater intrusion. MODFLOW with Model Muse is a recent open-source software that provides various tools for simulating the groundwater flow regime in different environments.  

A numerical groundwater flow model can be the most efficient and effective tool to understand the groundwater flow regimen and to obtain practical information about relationships between the geological environment and surface flow. There needs to be more than a code for groundwater modeling; it is necessary to know both the modeling platform and the physical processes we want to reproduce, and in this particular case, the water dynamics of the hydrogeological system. This program will cover basic, intermediate and advanced topics such as manual/automatic calibration.

This diploma is developed in asynchronous mode that allows students to be more flexible in their schedule and enjoy of instructional materials during 06 months.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Maps of Days without Rain generation with Python and Rasterio, 20 Mar 2024

We have developed an applied case of automatic calibration with PEST over a MODFLOW 6 model for a pumping test. The model represents a 72 hour pumping test over a confined aquifer with an observation point located 11 meters from the well.  Model Muse was used for the model construction, Pest activation and parameter setup.

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to Mar 21

Online Course: Introduction to Python - 05, 07, 12, 14, 19 and 21 Mar 2024

Python is a  powerful programming language; its simplicity is remarkable compared to other programming languages and its power is based on the number of tools available for different areas of study. In hydrology, Python has different packages which are linked to mathematics, statistics, etc. 

This course develops the basic concepts of Python programming under Jupyter. Exercises will cover the basic Python data structures, conditional statements, loops coupled with an introduction to array manipulation in Numpy, tabular data management with Pandas and applied exercises with precipitation data.

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to Jul 11

Diploma in Groundwater Modeling with Python and FloPy - 05 th March to 11 th July 2024

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We have developed a complete program on groundwater modeling with MODFLOW and FloPy that ranges from the essential topics in Python to applied cases of regional modeling,  seawater intrusion and Pest optimization. The program is designed to give the student a methodological approach to learn FloPy based on a series of applied examples coupled by teacher insights and review from the software. 

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: PEST model calibration of a transient pumping test on Model Muse – 23 Feb 2024

We have developed an applied case of automatic calibration with PEST over a MODFLOW 6 model for a pumping test. The model represents a 72 hour pumping test over a confined aquifer with an observation point located 11 meters from the well.  Model Muse was used for the model construction, Pest activation and parameter setup.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Automatic calibration of transient pumping test with MODFLOW 6, Python, FloPy and Scikit Learn, 9 Feb 2024

This webinar covers the procedure to implement a neural network based on a set of parameters set with corresponding head values; the study case is on a transient pumping test model with an observation point located around 10 meters away from the pump well. The analysis predicts the calibration parameters from the spatially interpolated observed head values. 

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Sensibility analysis of transient pumping test with MODFLOW-6, Flopy and SALib - Jan 17, 2024

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sensitivity analysis is referred to the uncertainty analysis in model results from the uncertainties on the model inputs (or something close to this definition). We usually perform this analysis on observation points (point that we know) with certain predefined ranges over the hydraulic parameters.

Python is an object oriented programming language and everything can be treated as an object like a MODFLOW-6 model. Having a pumping test model as an object allows us to use powerful Python libraries as SALib to perform sensibility analysis. 

This webinar covers the whole procedure to perform a sensitivity analysis over a 72 hour pumping test plus recovery on the hydraulic response in an observation piezometer located at 11 meters from the well. the Since the study case it’s a transient model the sensitivities will vary over time and stage of pumping/recovery.

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6:00 PM18:00

Open webinar: Groundwater modeling of a pumping test over a confined aquifer with MODFLOW-6 and FloPy, 27 Dec 2023

  • Avenida Caminos del Inca 288 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We have done an applied groundwater model for a pumping test on a confined aquifer. The wellsite is located on the Clairborne aquifer (Georgia, USA) and has two observations on different layers besides the well itself. The aquifer test has two periods of pumping and recovery that last 3 days each one and the numerical model was constructed with MODFLOW-6 based on a Python script with the FloPy package. Comparison among observed and simulated wells were done with plots in Matplotlib.

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