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Open webinar: Demonstrating the Use of Geographical and Programming Tools to Support Hydrogeological Modeling: Perspectives and Case studies - 03 Sep 2020


Groundwater management is a relevant topic worldwide, especially in the last decades, as we are facing issues related to groundwater scarcity, climate change and groundwater quality depletion. Hydrogeological modeling may help groundwater scientists and managers to address management strategies, in view of a more sustainable use of groundwater resources.

In this framework, this webinar aims at presenting case studies related to hydrogeological modeling and integration of skills to support modeling issues. In particular, the case studies will focus on the use of geographical and programming tools for: (a) data processing and management, (b) predicting the evolution of groundwater quality and quantity, (c) testing hypothesis about the hydrogeological behavior of complex ecosystems.    


The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Groundwater modeling

  • Groundwater management

  • Hydrogeological Conceptual Model

  • Data management and programming

  • GIS tools

  • Free and Open Source Software




Giovanna De Filippis Ph.D.

Senior Hydrogeologist – Numerical Modeler

Dr. Giovanna De Filippis is a groundwater modeler. In 2012 she got her MSc degree in Physics at Università del Salento (Lecce, Italy) and in 2016 she got a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences at Università degli Studi di Milano (Milan, Italy). She is currently working as a hydrogeologist at AECOM URS Italia S.p.A., a large company established as a leader in environmental consultancy services.

The nature of her Ph.D. course and of the activities fulfilled during her career have provided her a strong background in the field of data analytics and numerical modelling applied to hydrology/hydrogeology. This involved a wide range of technical skills related to knowledge and ability to use: (i) tools for the analysis, storage and visualization of hydrological, hydrogeological and climate data; (ii) modelling tools for the simulation of processes related to the hydrological cycle; (iii) GIS and programming languages for development of software tools aimed at integrated water resources management.

Date and time

Thursday September 03, 2020 from 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm. Amsterdam Time

Estimated duration: 45 minutes


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  1. Share this event in any social network

  2. Make an account in our elearning platform:

  3. Send a screenshot of the shared post to: We will provide access to the event.

Steps and more info are explained on this video: