Making hydrogeological models can take a long time for all the steps involved as model construction, calibration and output visualization. It is important to use tools that can optimize these tasks and allow the time saved to be used in the analysis of the system.
Flopy is a versatile set of Python scripts which can be used to run MODFLOW and MT3D, among other MODFLOW-related groundwater programs in a simple and efficient way. It will be seen how useful this tool is to automate the process of creating groundwater models since modifications of the boundary conditions can be done just by changing some lines on the text script.
This webinar will develop a complete applied case of flow and transport modeling with MODFLOW, MT3D-USDS and Flopy. The study case describes a regional groundwater flow which has a point source with a remediation schema simulated on steady state conditions for flow conditions and transient for transport modeling.
The webinar has the following content:
Flow model:
Configuration of a MODFLOW model with Flopy
Setting up of spatial and temporal discretization
Definition of hydraulic parameters
Model run and result representation
Transport model:
Setting up a MT3D-USGS model with Flopy
Implementation of advection, dispersion and mass sources
Transport run and output simulation
Date and time
September 19, 2019 at 11 am. Lima Time (GMT -5)
Estimated duration: 1h 45m.
Registration will be available till September 18.
This webinar is intended for hydrogeologistst with basic or intermediate knowledge of MODFLOW and Python. The workshop has no cost, the webinar video will be available for two months.
Anaconda distribution:
Flopy install command: pip install flopy
Input files(UPDATED):