4 applied courses in groundwater modeling with MODFLOW - Flopy and more

Besides doing amazing tutorials in groundwater modeling with MODFLOW and Flopy we also have the most complete set of Flopy courses applied to different areas of groundwater resources evaluation and impact assessment. But, there is more: we have a whole program that trains you from zero knowlege of Python to develop fully featured groundwater flow models. 

Why Flopy? It is necessary?

We believe that coupling Python with Modflow gives you "wings" on developing and analyzing groundwater flow models. Despite the fact that you might be proficient in other MODFLOW related softwares as Model Muse, the link with Python under the Flopy library improve the efficiency of the overall groundwater modeling practice.

Courses and more

Instead of pointing all the advantage of working with Modflow and Flopy, we want to list all the courses where you can find applied cases of groundwater modeling for different uses:

Online Course: Applied Groundwater Flow Modeling with MODFLOW, Python and Flopy

This course allows acquired knowledge of the open source programming language to construct model input files, run the model, and read and plot simulation results.

The development of the course will allow the application of these groundwater modeling tools with Flopy and Python. In this course the student will learn:

  • Know the Python and Flopy environment.

  • Perform operations in Python and Flopy for hydrogeological purposes.

  • Analyze and spatially represent hydrogeological and model information with Python and Flopy.



Online Course: Regional Groundwater Modeling with Modflow, Model Muse and Flopy

This course covers the whole procedure of developing regional groundwater models through the ModelMuse interface, including the model construction, boundary conditions, parameter assignment, model simulation, results analysis and visualization, and model calibration. Flopy is also introduced in the course to import, create, refine and simulate the model as in ModelMuse. Two basins with different aquifer setting and boundary conditions are used as case studies to demonstrate the use of these tools so that the participants learn how to build these models and analyze the results for future decision-making.



Online Course: Applied Seawater Intrusion Modeling with MODFLOW6, Model Muse and Flopy

Evaluation of saltwater intrusion, analysis of salt distribution in groundwater, and prediction of future scenarios requires the use of numerical tools that are in constant development. The latest tool available for variable density flow developed by the USGS is the BUY package from MODFLOW6 that is implemented in Flopy and Model Muse. The combination of these tools allows creation of groundwater flow models for seawater intrusion in a short period of time, precise analysis of water balances and brine concentration and potential coupling with other tools such as PEST.



Online Course: Mine Closure Groundwater Flow Modeling and Assessment of Remediation Techniques with Modflow, Model Muse and Flopy

Hatarilabs has developed an applied course about the simulation, calibration, representation and impact analysis of a waste dump closure on the environment and water bodies with a long term scope (closure and post closure). The course will be given on Model Muse for flow and contaminant transport modeling and scripts in Flopy for model calibration, water balance analysis and evaluation of remediation techniques performance. The course has an introductory example of groundwater simulation in wetlands and the long-term bioaccumulation of metals.



Diploma in Groundwater Modeling with Python and FloPy - Asynchronous

We have developed a complete program on groundwater modeling with MODFLOW and FloPy that ranges from the essential topics in Python to applied cases of regional modeling and seawater intrusion. The program is designed to give the student a methodological approach to learn FloPy based on a series of applied examples coupled by teacher insights and review from the software. 

The student will reach the following objectives based on a hands-on learning approach through understanding simple to complex concepts:

  • Use Python as a tool to import, create, run MODFLOW models

  • Develop a knowledge on the most basic concepts of Flopy

  • Manage the most popular tools of FloPy library

  • Use Flopy on real case escenarios and couple with other Python libraries




Saul Montoya

Saul Montoya es Ingeniero Civil graduado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú en Lima con estudios de postgrado en Manejo e Ingeniería de Recursos Hídricos (Programa WAREM) de la Universidad de Stuttgart con mención en Ingeniería de Aguas Subterráneas y Hidroinformática.


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