Clip Multiple Layers in QGIS with PyQGIS - Tutorial
Interesting tutorial to clip multiple polygon layers in QGIS with the Python console. The tutorial also shows a code to upload all files from a directory and store them as objects in a Python dictionary.
This is the complete Python code for the tutorial:
import os mainLayerFolder = 'C:\Users\Saul\Documents\Ih_AnalisisdeAreasNoSuperpuestasporMultiplesCapasconQGISyPyQGIS\Shp' listFilterShapes = [] for item in os.listdir(mainLayerFolder + '/CapasFiltro/'): if item[-3:]=='shp': listFilterShapes.append(item) print(listFilterShapes) dictFilterShapes = {} for shape in listFilterShapes: dictFilterShapes[shape[:-4]] = iface.addVectorLayer(mainLayerFolder + '/CapasFiltro/' + shape,shape[:-4],"ogr") areaOfInterest = iface.addVectorLayer(mainLayerFolder + '/AreadeInteres/AreadeInteres_Extended.shp' ,'AreadeInteres_Extended',"ogr") from import * for layer in dictFilterShapes.keys(): general.runalg("qgis:clip",\ dictFilterShapes[layer],\ areaOfInterest,\ mainLayerFolder + '/OutputShp/'+layer+'_Clip.shp') iface.addVectorLayer(mainLayerFolder + '/OutputShp/'+layer+'_Clip.shp',layer+'_Clip',"ogr")
Input files
You can download the input files in this link.