Enhanced MODFLOW Result Representation with Python, VTK and Paraview - Tutorial
/MODFLOW model output representation is key to understand the groundwater flow regime, to study the interaction with surface water and depending ecosystems and to evaluate the impact to anthropogenic and climate change requirements. Until now, there has been few open source software capable of generating 3D representations and those software had limited options for color scales, cross sections and other graphical tools. On the research for more options we found Paraview, a open source software for data representation designed to analyze extremely large datasets using distributed memory computing resources.
In order to represent MODFLOW output into Paraview, a VTK file for unstructured grids is needed, this VTK type is called VTU where the "U" comes from unestructured. The tutorial shows the complete procedure to process a MODFLOW model output into a VTU file and the representation in Paraview.
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# coding: utf-8 # # Import the required packages and open model files # In[1]: # import the required libraries import os, re import numpy as np from workingFunctions import Functions #functions from the workingFunctions.py file # In[2]: #change directory to the script path os.chdir('C:/Users\Saul\Documents\Ih_PlayaroundwithVTK') #use your own path #open the DIS, BAS and FHD and DRN files disLines= open('Model/Modelo3.dis').readlines() #discretization data basLines= open('Model/Modelo3.bas').readlines() #active / inactive data fhdLines= open('Model/Modelo3.fhd').readlines() #water head data drnLines= open('Model/Modelo3.drn').readlines() #drain package data #create a empty dictionay to store the model features modDis = {} modBas = {} modFhd = {} modDrn = {} # # Working with the DIS (Discretization Data) data # ### General model features as modDis dict # In[3]: #get the extreme coordinates form the dis header for line in disLines[:5]: line = re.sub('\(|\)|,',' ',line) #change the (, ) and , character in the dis file if "Lower left corner" in line: line = line.split() modDis["vertexXmin"]=float(line[4]) modDis["vertexYmin"]=float(line[5]) elif "Upper right corner" in line: line = line.split() modDis["vertexXmax"]=float(line[4]) modDis["vertexYmax"]=float(line[5]) #get the number of layers, rows, columns, cell and vertex numbers linelaycolrow = disLines[6].split() modDis["cellLays"] = int(linelaycolrow[0]) modDis["cellRows"] = int(linelaycolrow[1]) modDis["cellCols"] = int(linelaycolrow[2]) modDis["vertexLays"] = modDis["cellLays"] + 1 modDis["vertexRows"] = modDis["cellRows"] + 1 modDis["vertexCols"] = modDis["cellCols"] + 1 modDis["vertexperlay"] = modDis["vertexRows"] * modDis["vertexCols"] modDis["cellsperlay"] = modDis["cellRows"] * modDis["cellCols"] # ### Get the DIS Breakers # In[4]: #get the grid breakers modDis['disBreakers']={} breakerValues = ["INTERNAL","CONSTANT"] vertexLay=0 for item in breakerValues: for line in disLines: if item in line: if 'DELR' in line: #DELR is cell width along rows modDis['disBreakers']['DELR']=disLines.index(line) elif 'DELC' in line: #DELC is cell width along columns modDis['disBreakers']['DELC']=disLines.index(line) else: modDis['disBreakers']['vertexLay'+str(vertexLay)]=disLines.index(line) vertexLay+=1 # ### Get the DEL Info # In[5]: modDis['DELR'] = Functions.getListFromDEL(modDis['disBreakers']['DELR'],disLines,modDis['cellCols']) modDis['DELC'] = Functions.getListFromDEL(modDis['disBreakers']['DELC'],disLines,modDis['cellRows']) # ### Get the Cell Centroid Z # In[6]: modDis['cellCentroidZList']={} for lay in range(modDis['vertexLays']): #add auxiliar variables to identify breakers lineaBreaker = modDis['disBreakers']['vertexLay'+str(lay)] #two cases in breaker line if 'INTERNAL' in disLines[lineaBreaker]: lista = Functions.getListFromBreaker(lineaBreaker,modDis,disLines) modDis['cellCentroidZList']['lay'+str(lay)]=lista elif 'CONSTANT' in disLines[lineaBreaker]: constElevation = float(disLines[lineaBreaker].split()[1]) modDis['cellCentroidZList']['lay'+str(lay)]= [constElevation for x in range(modDis["cellsperlay"])] else: pass # ### List of arrays of cells and vertex coord # In[7]: modDis['vertexEasting'] = np.array([modDis['vertexXmin']+np.sum(modDis['DELR'][:col]) for col in range(modDis['vertexCols'])]) modDis['vertexNorthing'] = np.array([modDis['vertexYmax']-np.sum(modDis['DELC'][:row]) for row in range(modDis['vertexRows'])]) modDis['cellEasting'] = np.array([modDis['vertexXmin']+np.sum(modDis['DELR'][:col])+modDis['DELR'][col]/2 for col in range(modDis['cellCols'])]) modDis['cellNorthing'] = np.array([modDis['vertexYmax']-np.sum(modDis['DELC'][:row])-modDis['DELC'][row]/2 for row in range(modDis['cellRows'])]) # ### Interpolation from Z cell centroid to z vertex # # Get the BAS Info # ### Get the grid breakers # In[8]: #empty dict to store BAS breakers modBas['basBreakers']={} breakerValues = ["INTERNAL","CONSTANT"] #store the breakers in the dict lay=0 for item in breakerValues: for line in basLines: if item in line: if 'IBOUND' in line: modBas['basBreakers']['lay'+str(lay)]=basLines.index(line) lay+=1 else: pass # ### Store ibound per lay # In[9]: #empty dict to store cell ibound per layer modBas['cellIboundList']={} for lay in range(modDis['cellLays']): #add auxiliar variables to identify breakers lineaBreaker = modBas['basBreakers']['lay'+str(lay)] #two cases in breaker line if 'INTERNAL' in basLines[lineaBreaker]: lista = Functions.getListFromBreaker(lineaBreaker,modDis,basLines) modBas['cellIboundList']['lay'+str(lay)]=lista elif 'CONSTANT' in basLines[lineaBreaker]: constElevation = float(disLines[lineaBreaker].split()[1]) #todavia no he probado esto modBas['cellIboundList']['lay'+str(lay)]= [constElevation for x in range(modDis["cellsperlay"])] else: pass # ### Store Cell Centroids as a Numpy array # In[10]: #empty list to store cell centroid cellCentroidList = [] #numpy array of cell centroid for row in range(modDis['cellRows']): for col in range(modDis['cellCols']): cellCentroidList.append([modDis['cellEasting'][col],modDis['cellNorthing'][row]]) #store cell centroids as numpy array modDis['cellCentroids']=np.asarray(cellCentroidList) # ### Grid of XYZ Vertex Coordinates # In[11]: modDis['vertexXgrid'] = np.repeat(modDis['vertexEasting'].reshape(modDis['vertexCols'],1),modDis['vertexRows'],axis=1).T modDis['vertexYgrid'] = np.repeat(modDis['vertexNorthing'],modDis['vertexCols']).reshape(modDis['vertexRows'],modDis['vertexCols']) modDis['vertexZGrid'] = Functions.interpolateCelltoVertex(modDis,'cellCentroidZList') # # Get the HDS Info # ### Get the grid breakers # In[12]: #empty dict to store HDS breakers modFhd['fhdBreakers']={} #store the breakers in the dict lay=0 for line in fhdLines: if 'HEAD' in line: modFhd['fhdBreakers']['lay'+str(lay)]=fhdLines.index(line) lay+=1 else: pass # ### Store heads per lay # In[13]: #empty dict to store cell heads per layer modFhd['cellHeadGrid']={} for lay in range(modDis['cellLays']): #add auxiliar variables to identify breakers lineaBreaker = modFhd['fhdBreakers']['lay'+str(lay)] lista = Functions.getListFromBreaker(lineaBreaker,modDis,fhdLines) array = np.asarray(lista).reshape(modDis['cellRows'],modDis['cellCols']) modFhd['cellHeadGrid']['lay'+str(lay)]=array # ### Arrange to transform cell centroid heads to vertex heads # In[14]: #empty temporal dictionary to store transformed heads vertexHeadGridCentroid = {} #arrange to hace positive heads in all vertex of an active cell for lay in range(modDis['cellLays']): matrix = np.zeros([modDis['vertexRows'],modDis['vertexCols']]) for row in range(modDis['cellRows']): for col in range(modDis['cellCols']): headLay = modFhd['cellHeadGrid']['lay'+str(lay)] neighcartesianlist = [headLay[row-1,col-1],headLay[row-1,col],headLay[row,col-1],headLay[row,col]] headList = [] for item in neighcartesianlist: if item > -1e+20: headList.append(item) if len(headList) > 0: headMean = sum(headList)/len(headList) else: headMean = -1e+20 matrix[row,col]=headMean matrix[-1,:-1] = modFhd['cellHeadGrid']['lay'+str(lay)][-1,:] matrix[:-1,-1] = modFhd['cellHeadGrid']['lay'+str(lay)][:,-1] matrix[-1,-1] = modFhd['cellHeadGrid']['lay'+str(lay)][-1,-1] vertexHeadGridCentroid['lay'+str(lay)]=matrix # In[15]: modFhd['vertexHeadGrid'] = {} for lay in range(modDis['vertexLays']): anyGrid = vertexHeadGridCentroid if lay == modDis['cellLays']: modFhd['vertexHeadGrid']['lay'+str(lay)] = anyGrid['lay'+str(lay-1)] elif lay == 0: modFhd['vertexHeadGrid']['lay0'] = anyGrid['lay0'] else: value = np.where(anyGrid['lay'+str(lay)]>-1e+20, anyGrid['lay'+str(lay)], (anyGrid['lay'+str(lay-1)] + anyGrid['lay'+str(lay)])/2 ) modFhd['vertexHeadGrid']['lay'+str(lay)] = value # # Get the DRN Info # In[16]: ### Get the list of drain cells with attributes # In[17]: modDrn['DrainNumber'] = int(drnLines[2].split()[0]) modDrn['DrainCells'] = [] for item in range(modDrn['DrainNumber']-4): anyLine = drnLines[item + 4].split() anyList = [ int(anyLine[0]), int(anyLine[1]), int(anyLine[2]), float(anyLine[3]), float(anyLine[4])] modDrn['DrainCells'].append(anyList) # # Water Tables on Cell and Vextex # ### Water Table on Cell # In[18]: #empty numpy array for the water table waterTableCellGrid = np.zeros((modDis['cellRows'],modDis['cellCols'])) #obtain the first positive or real head from the head array for row in range(modDis['cellRows']): for col in range(modDis['cellCols']): anyList = [] for lay in range(modDis['cellLays']): anyList.append(modFhd['cellHeadGrid']['lay' + str(lay)][row,col]) a = np.asarray(anyList) if list(a[a>-1e+10]) != []: #just in case there are some inactive zones waterTableCellGrid[row,col] = a[a>-1e+10][0] else: waterTableCellGrid[row,col] = -1e+10 # In[19]: ### Water Table on Vertex # In[20]: #empty numpy array for the water table waterTableVertexGrid = np.zeros((modDis['vertexRows'],modDis['vertexCols'])) #obtain the first positive or real head from the head array for row in range(modDis['vertexRows']): for col in range(modDis['vertexCols']): anyList = [] for lay in range(modDis['cellLays']): anyList.append(modFhd['vertexHeadGrid']['lay' + str(lay)][row,col]) a = np.asarray(anyList) if list(a[a>-1e+10]) != []: #just in case there are some inactive zones waterTableVertexGrid[row,col] = a[a>-1e+10][0] else: waterTableVertexGrid[row,col] = -1e+10 # ### Water Table on Cells and Vertex as List # In[21]: listWaterTableCell = list(waterTableCellGrid.flatten()) waterTableListVertex = list(waterTableVertexGrid.flatten()) # # Lists for the VTK file # ### Definition of xyz points for all vertex # In[22]: #empty list to store all vertex XYZ vertexXYZPoints = [] #definition of xyz points for all vertex for lay in range(modDis['vertexLays']): for row in range(modDis['vertexRows']): for col in range(modDis['vertexCols']): xyz=[ modDis['vertexEasting'][col], modDis['vertexNorthing'][row], modDis['vertexZGrid']['lay'+str(lay)][row, col] ] vertexXYZPoints.append(xyz) # ### Definition of xyz points for Water Table # In[23]: #empty list to store all vertex Water Table XYZ vertexWaterTableXYZPoints = [] #definition of xyz points for all vertex for row in range(modDis['vertexRows']): for col in range(modDis['vertexCols']): if waterTableVertexGrid[row, col] > -1e+10: waterTable = waterTableVertexGrid[row, col] else: waterTable = 1000 xyz=[ modDis['vertexEasting'][col], modDis['vertexNorthing'][row], waterTable ] vertexWaterTableXYZPoints.append(xyz) # ### Definition of xyz points for Drain Cells # In[24]: #empty list to store drain vertex XYZ list listDrainCellQuadXYZPoints = [] #definition of xyz points for all drain vertex for row in range(modDis['vertexRows']): for col in range(modDis['vertexCols']): xyz=[ modDis['vertexEasting'][col], modDis['vertexNorthing'][row], modDis['vertexZGrid']['lay0'][row,col] ] listDrainCellQuadXYZPoints.append(xyz) # ### Definition of IBound list for all cell # In[25]: #empty list to store all ibound listIBound = [] #definition of IBOUND for lay in range(modDis['cellLays']): for item in modBas['cellIboundList']['lay'+str(lay)]: listIBound.append(item) # ### Definition of all Cell Heads and Vertex Heads # In[26]: #empty list to store all cell heads listCellHead = [] #definition of cellHead for lay in range(modDis['cellLays']): for item in list(modFhd['cellHeadGrid']['lay'+str(lay)].flatten()): listCellHead.append(item) # In[27]: #empty list to store all vertex heads listVertexHead = [] #definition of vertexHead for lay in range(modDis['vertexLays']): for item in list(modFhd['vertexHeadGrid']['lay'+str(lay)].flatten()): listVertexHead.append(item) # ### Definition of Cell Ibound List # In[28]: #empty list to store drain cells IO listDrainsCellsIO = [] #definition of drain cells modDrn['DrainCellsGrid'] = np.zeros((modDis['cellRows'],modDis['cellCols'])) for item in modDrn['DrainCells']: modDrn['DrainCellsGrid'][item[1],item[2]] = 1 listDrainsCellsIO = list(modDrn['DrainCellsGrid'].flatten()) # # Hexahedrons and Quads sequences for the VTK File # ### List of Layer Quad Sequences (Works only for a single layer) # In[29]: #empty list to store cell coordinates listLayerQuadSequence = [] #definition of hexahedrons cell coordinates for row in range(modDis['cellRows']): for col in range(modDis['cellCols']): pt0 = modDis['vertexCols']*(row+1)+col pt1 = modDis['vertexCols']*(row+1)+col+1 pt2 = modDis['vertexCols']*(row)+col+1 pt3 = modDis['vertexCols']*(row)+col anyList = [pt0,pt1,pt2,pt3] listLayerQuadSequence.append(anyList) # ### List of Hexa Sequences # In[30]: #empty list to store cell coordinates listHexaSequence = [] #definition of hexahedrons cell coordinates for lay in range(modDis['cellLays']): for row in range(modDis['cellRows']): for col in range(modDis['cellCols']): pt0 = modDis['vertexperlay']*(lay+1)+modDis['vertexCols']*(row+1)+col pt1 = modDis['vertexperlay']*(lay+1)+modDis['vertexCols']*(row+1)+col+1 pt2 = modDis['vertexperlay']*(lay+1)+modDis['vertexCols']*(row)+col+1 pt3 = modDis['vertexperlay']*(lay+1)+modDis['vertexCols']*(row)+col pt4 = modDis['vertexperlay']*(lay)+modDis['vertexCols']*(row+1)+col pt5 = modDis['vertexperlay']*(lay)+modDis['vertexCols']*(row+1)+col+1 pt6 = modDis['vertexperlay']*(lay)+modDis['vertexCols']*(row)+col+1 pt7 = modDis['vertexperlay']*(lay)+modDis['vertexCols']*(row)+col anyList = [pt0,pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4,pt5,pt6,pt7] listHexaSequence.append(anyList) # # Active Cells Hexahedrons and Quads # ### Cell Heads and Hexa Sequences # In[31]: listHexaSequenceDef = [] listCellHeadDef = [] for i in range(len(listCellHead)): if listCellHead[i] > -1e-10: listHexaSequenceDef.append(listHexaSequence[i]) listCellHeadDef.append(listCellHead[i]) # ### Active Cells and Hexa Sequences # In[32]: listActiveHexaSequenceDef = [] listIBoundDef = [] #filter hexahedrons and heads for active cells for i in range(len(listIBound)): if listIBound[i] > 0: listActiveHexaSequenceDef.append(listHexaSequence[i]) listIBoundDef.append(listIBound[i]) # ### Water Table Quads and Cells # In[33]: listWaterTableQuadSequenceDef = [] listWaterTableCellDef = [] for item in range(len(listWaterTableCell)): if listWaterTableCell[item] > -1e10: listWaterTableQuadSequenceDef.append(listLayerQuadSequence[item]) listWaterTableCellDef.append(listWaterTableCell[item]) # ### Drain Cells Quads and Cells # In[34]: # Get the secuence and values for cell with drains listDrainsCellsIODef = [] listDrainsCellsSecuenceDef = [] for item in range(len(listDrainsCellsIO)): if listDrainsCellsIO[item] > 0: listDrainsCellsIODef.append(listDrainsCellsIO[item]) listDrainsCellsSecuenceDef.append(listLayerQuadSequence[item]) # # VTK creation # ### Summary of lists for the vtk creation # In[35]: ### Point sets # vertexXYZPoints for XYZ in all cell vertex # vertexWaterTableXYZPoints for XYZ in all water table quad vertex # listDrainCellQuadXYZPoints for XYZ in all drain cells quad vertex ### Quad and Hexa secuences # listHexaSequenceDef for Head Hexa Sequence in all active cells # listActiveHexaSequenceDef for Active Hexa Sequence in all active cells # listWaterTableQuadSequenceDef for Water Table Quad Sequence in all active cells # listDrainsCellsSecuenceDef for Drain Cell Quad Sequence in drain cells ### Cell data # listCellHeadDef for filtered active cells # listIBoundDef # listWaterTableCellDef for filtered water table cells # listDrainsCellsIODef for filtered drains cells ### Point data # listVertexHead for heads in all cells # ### Heads on Vertex and Cells VTK # In[36]: textoVtk = open('VTUFiles/VTU_Heads.vtu','w') #add header textoVtk.write('<VTKFile type="UnstructuredGrid" version="1.0" byte_order="LittleEndian" header_type="UInt64">\n') textoVtk.write(' <UnstructuredGrid>\n') textoVtk.write(' <Piece NumberOfPoints="'+str(len(vertexXYZPoints))+'" NumberOfCells="'+str(len(listHexaSequenceDef))+'">\n') #point data textoVtk.write(' <PointData Scalars="Heads">\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Float64" Name="Heads" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listVertexHead)): textvalue = str(listVertexHead[item]) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + textvalue + ' ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write(textvalue + '\n ') else: textoVtk.write(textvalue + ' ') textoVtk.write('\n') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </PointData>\n') #cell data textoVtk.write(' <CellData Scalars="Model">\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Float64" Name="CellHead" format="ascii" RangeMin="1" RangeMax="1">\n') for item in range(len(listCellHeadDef)): #cell list textvalue = str(int(listCellHeadDef[item])) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + textvalue + ' ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write(textvalue + '\n ') else: textoVtk.write(textvalue + ' ') textoVtk.write('\n') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </CellData>\n') #points definition textoVtk.write(' <Points>\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Float64" Name="Points" NumberOfComponents="3" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(vertexXYZPoints)): tuplevalue = tuple(vertexXYZPoints[item]) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(" %.2f %.2f %.2f " % tuplevalue) elif item % 4 == 0: textoVtk.write("%.2f %.2f %.2f \n " % tuplevalue) elif item == len(vertexXYZPoints)-1: textoVtk.write("%.2f %.2f %.2f \n" % tuplevalue) else: textoVtk.write("%.2f %.2f %.2f " % tuplevalue) textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </Points>\n') #cell connectivity textoVtk.write(' <Cells>\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Int64" Name="connectivity" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listHexaSequenceDef)): textoVtk.write(' ') textoVtk.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s \n' % tuple(listHexaSequenceDef[item])) textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') #cell offset textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Int64" Name="offsets" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listHexaSequenceDef)): offset = str((item+1)*8) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + offset + ' ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write(offset + ' \n ') elif item == len(listHexaSequenceDef)-1: textoVtk.write(offset + ' \n') else: textoVtk.write(offset + ' ') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') #cell type textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="UInt8" Name="types" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listHexaSequenceDef)): if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + '12 ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write('12 \n ') elif item == len(listHexaSequenceDef)-1: textoVtk.write('12 \n') else: textoVtk.write('12 ') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </Cells>\n') #footer textoVtk.write(' </Piece>\n') textoVtk.write(' </UnstructuredGrid>\n') textoVtk.write('</VTKFile>\n') textoVtk.close() # ### Active Cell VTK # In[37]: textoVtk = open('VTUFiles/VTU_Active.vtu','w') #add header textoVtk.write('<VTKFile type="UnstructuredGrid" version="1.0" byte_order="LittleEndian" header_type="UInt64">\n') textoVtk.write(' <UnstructuredGrid>\n') textoVtk.write(' <Piece NumberOfPoints="'+str(len(vertexXYZPoints))+'" NumberOfCells="'+str(len(listActiveHexaSequenceDef))+'">\n') #cell data textoVtk.write(' <CellData Scalars="Model">\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Int32" Name="Active" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listIBoundDef)): #cell list textvalue = str(int(listIBoundDef[item])) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + textvalue + ' ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write(textvalue + '\n ') else: textoVtk.write(textvalue + ' ') textoVtk.write('\n') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </CellData>\n') #points definition textoVtk.write(' <Points>\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Float64" Name="Points" NumberOfComponents="3" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(vertexXYZPoints)): tuplevalue = tuple(vertexXYZPoints[item]) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(" %.2f %.2f %.2f " % tuplevalue) elif item % 4 == 0: textoVtk.write('%.2f %.2f %.2f \n ' % tuplevalue) elif item == len(vertexXYZPoints)-1: textoVtk.write("%.2f %.2f %.2f \n" % tuplevalue) else: textoVtk.write("%.2f %.2f %.2f " % tuplevalue) textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </Points>\n') #cell connectivity textoVtk.write(' <Cells>\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Int64" Name="connectivity" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listActiveHexaSequenceDef)): textoVtk.write(' ') textoVtk.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s \n' % tuple(listActiveHexaSequenceDef[item])) textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') #cell offsets textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Int64" Name="offsets" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listActiveHexaSequenceDef)): offset = str((item+1)*8) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + offset + ' ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write(offset + ' \n ') elif item == len(listActiveHexaSequenceDef)-1: textoVtk.write(offset + ' \n') else: textoVtk.write(offset + ' ') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') #cell types textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="UInt8" Name="types" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listActiveHexaSequenceDef)): if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + '12 ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write('12 \n ') elif item == len(listActiveHexaSequenceDef)-1: textoVtk.write('12 \n') else: textoVtk.write('12 ') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </Cells>\n') #footer textoVtk.write(' </Piece>\n') textoVtk.write(' </UnstructuredGrid>\n') textoVtk.write('</VTKFile>\n') textoVtk.close() # ### Water Table VTK # In[38]: textoVtk = open('VTUFiles/VTU_WaterTable.vtu','w') #add header textoVtk.write('<VTKFile type="UnstructuredGrid" version="1.0" byte_order="LittleEndian" header_type="UInt64">\n') textoVtk.write(' <UnstructuredGrid>\n') textoVtk.write(' <Piece NumberOfPoints="'+str(len(vertexWaterTableXYZPoints))+'" NumberOfCells="'+ str(len(listWaterTableCellDef))+'">\n') #cell data textoVtk.write(' <CellData Scalars="Water Table">\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Float64" Name="Heads" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listWaterTableCellDef)): textvalue = str(listWaterTableCellDef[item]) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + textvalue + ' ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write(textvalue + '\n ') else: textoVtk.write(textvalue + ' ') textoVtk.write('\n') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </CellData>\n') #points definition textoVtk.write(' <Points>\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Float64" Name="Points" NumberOfComponents="3" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(vertexWaterTableXYZPoints)): tuplevalue = tuple(vertexWaterTableXYZPoints[item]) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(" %.2f %.2f %.2f " % tuplevalue) elif item % 4 == 0: textoVtk.write('%.2f %.2f %.2f \n ' % tuplevalue) elif item == len(vertexWaterTableXYZPoints)-1: textoVtk.write("%.2f %.2f %.2f \n" % tuplevalue) else: textoVtk.write("%.2f %.2f %.2f " % tuplevalue) textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </Points>\n') #cell connectivity textoVtk.write(' <Cells>\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Int64" Name="connectivity" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listWaterTableQuadSequenceDef)): textoVtk.write(' ') textoVtk.write('%s %s %s %s \n' % tuple(listWaterTableQuadSequenceDef[item])) textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') #cell offsets textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Int64" Name="offsets" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listWaterTableQuadSequenceDef)): offset = str((item+1)*4) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + offset + ' ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write(offset + ' \n ') elif item == len(listWaterTableQuadSequenceDef)-1: textoVtk.write(offset + ' \n') else: textoVtk.write(offset + ' ') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') #cell types textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="UInt8" Name="types" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listWaterTableQuadSequenceDef)): if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + '9 ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write('9 \n ') elif item == len(listWaterTableQuadSequenceDef)-1: textoVtk.write('9 \n') else: textoVtk.write('9 ') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </Cells>\n') #footer textoVtk.write(' </Piece>\n') textoVtk.write(' </UnstructuredGrid>\n') textoVtk.write('</VTKFile>\n') textoVtk.close() # # Drain Cell VTK # In[39]: textoVtk = open('VTUFiles/VTU_DrainCells.vtu','w') #add header textoVtk.write('<VTKFile type="UnstructuredGrid" version="1.0" byte_order="LittleEndian" header_type="UInt64">\n') textoVtk.write(' <UnstructuredGrid>\n') textoVtk.write(' <Piece NumberOfPoints="'+str(len(listDrainCellQuadXYZPoints)) +'" NumberOfCells="'+str(len(listDrainsCellsSecuenceDef))+'">\n') #cell data textoVtk.write(' <CellData Scalars="Water Table">\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Float64" Name="Heads" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listDrainsCellsIODef)): textvalue = str(listDrainsCellsIODef[item]) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + textvalue + ' ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write(textvalue + '\n ') else: textoVtk.write(textvalue + ' ') textoVtk.write('\n') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </CellData>\n') #points definition textoVtk.write(' <Points>\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Float64" Name="Points" NumberOfComponents="3" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listDrainCellQuadXYZPoints)): tuplevalue = tuple(listDrainCellQuadXYZPoints[item]) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(" %.2f %.2f %.2f " % tuplevalue) elif item % 4 == 0: textoVtk.write('%.2f %.2f %.2f \n ' % tuplevalue) elif item == len(listDrainCellQuadXYZPoints)-1: textoVtk.write("%.2f %.2f %.2f \n" % tuplevalue) else: textoVtk.write("%.2f %.2f %.2f " % tuplevalue) textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </Points>\n') #cell definition textoVtk.write(' <Cells>\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Int64" Name="connectivity" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listDrainsCellsSecuenceDef)): textoVtk.write(' ') textoVtk.write('%s %s %s %s \n' % tuple(listDrainsCellsSecuenceDef[item])) textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="Int64" Name="offsets" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listDrainsCellsSecuenceDef)): offset = str((item+1)*4) if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + offset + ' ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write(offset + ' \n ') elif item == len(listDrainsCellsSecuenceDef)-1: textoVtk.write(offset + ' \n') else: textoVtk.write(offset + ' ') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' <DataArray type="UInt8" Name="types" format="ascii">\n') for item in range(len(listDrainsCellsSecuenceDef)): if item == 0: textoVtk.write(' ' + '9 ') elif item % 20 == 0: textoVtk.write('9 \n ') elif item == len(listDrainsCellsSecuenceDef)-1: textoVtk.write('9 \n') else: textoVtk.write('9 ') textoVtk.write(' </DataArray>\n') textoVtk.write(' </Cells>\n') #footer textoVtk.write(' </Piece>\n') textoVtk.write(' </UnstructuredGrid>\n') textoVtk.write('</VTKFile>\n') textoVtk.close()
This is the script for the auxiliary functions.
import math import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import griddata class Functions: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def getListFromDEL(initbreaker,disLines,celldim): if 'CONSTANT' in disLines[initbreaker]: constElevation = float(disLines[initbreaker].split()[1]) anyLines = [constElevation for x in range(celldim)] elif 'INTERNAL' in disLines[initbreaker]: #empty array and number of lines anyLines = [] #final breaker finalbreaker = initbreaker+1+math.ceil(celldim/10) #append to list all items for linea in range(initbreaker+1,finalbreaker,1): listaitem = [float(item) for item in disLines[linea].split()] for item in listaitem: anyLines.append(item) else: anylines = [] return np.asarray(anyLines) def getListFromBreaker(initbreaker,modDis,fileLines): #empty array and number of lines anyLines = [] finalbreaker = initbreaker+1+math.ceil(modDis['cellCols']/10)*modDis['cellRows'] #append to list all items for linea in range(initbreaker+1,finalbreaker,1): listaitem = [float(item) for item in fileLines[linea].split()] for item in listaitem: anyLines.append(item) return anyLines #function that return a dictionary of z values on the vertex def interpolateCelltoVertex(modDis,item): dictZVertex = {} for lay in modDis[item].keys(): values = np.asarray(modDis[item][lay]) grid_z = griddata(modDis['cellCentroids'], values, (modDis['vertexXgrid'], modDis['vertexYgrid']), method='nearest') dictZVertex[lay]=grid_z return dictZVertex