Example of Transient Groundwater Flow Modeling with MODFLOW 6 - Tutorial
/Based on the new file format and keywords from MODFLOW 6 it is more simple to understand a model while inspecting the input files. This tutorial show a example of a steady and transient flow model in MODFLOW 6 for a period of 30 days divided into 4 stress periods. The tutorial has a introduction to the model geometry, input files and boundary conditions, a model simulation in transient flow conditions and output visualization as VTU files in Paraview. The tutorial also includes a discussion on the water balance from the groundwater flow system at the end of the simulation.
The model used in this tutorial has the following characteristics:
- 3 layers, 15 rows, and 10 cols
- Constant grid width of 40 m, total thickness of 180 m.
- Implementation of GHB, RIV, EVT, WEL packages
- RCH was implemented on 3 packages for specified cells
- Observation package for a multilevel piezometer
- Time series for GHB, RCH, RIV, WEL in additional files
- 1 steady state stress period of 1 day
- 3 transient stress period of 10 days divided in 120 stress period
This model is a version of the "AdvGW_tidal" from the MODFLOW 6 documentation.
Model discretization
Isometric View of the Model Grid
Boundary conditions
Isometric View of Boundary Conditions: RIV (green), WEL (purple), and GHB (light blue)
Groundwater flow regime at the end of simulation
Isometric View of Equipotential Surfaces with Boundary Conditions