Tutorial to install OpenDroneMap (ODM) in Windows 10


OpenDroneMap is such a great software for its capabilities to spatially process drone image and create a complete set of outputs as digital elevation model, point clouds, orthophotos and others. For regular users, the installation and the computational resources have allways been a challenge. This time we have develop a succesful procedure to install and run OpenDroneMap in Windows 10 by installing a Ubuntu 18.04 subsystem.

Files and steps

You can download the sh file from here.

These are the steps for software installation:

  1. Install the WSL and UBUNTU 18.0

  2. Create the folder code and change the directory to that folder

    mkdir /code && cd /code 

  3. Turn to super user

    sudo su

  4. Clode ODM inside the folder “/code”

    git clone https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/ODM.git

  5. The cloned folder has a new directory called “/code/ODM”, move all the files inside the “ODM” folder to the “code” folder

    mv /code/ODM/* /code/. 

  6. Remove the empty “ODM” folder

    rm -rf ODM

  7. Install with the “c1804.sh” file provided, this step take hours to complete

    bash c1804.sh install

  8. Open the “settings.yaml” file

    nano settings.yaml

  9. Change the path of “projects_path” as follows:

    project_path: '/code/Datasets'

  10. Create the folder “Datasets” inside “code” and change the path to this directory

    mkdir Datasets && cd Datasets

  11. Download the images from the OpenDroneMap datasets, 

    wget https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/odm_data_aukerman/archive/master.zip

  12. Install unzip 

    sudo apt install unzip

  13. unzip the OpenDroneMap datasets downloaded.

    unzip master.zip 

  14. Remove the zipped folderrm 

    rm -rf master.zip

  15. Return to the “code” folder

    cd /code

  16. Run the folder downloaded images with

    ./run.sh odm_data_aukerman-master

  17. Change the path to the dataset downloaded

    cd Datasets/odm_data_aukerman-master

  18. Copy the images to your windows downloads folder:

    cp -r odm_orthophoto/ /mnt/c/Users/{yourUser/Downloads/



Saul Montoya

Saul Montoya es Ingeniero Civil graduado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú en Lima con estudios de postgrado en Manejo e Ingeniería de Recursos Hídricos (Programa WAREM) de la Universidad de Stuttgart con mención en Ingeniería de Aguas Subterráneas y Hidroinformática.


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