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Online Course (Amsterdam Time) : Python for Hydrology - 03, 05, 09, 12, 16, 19, 23 and 26 Nov 2020


Python is a  powerful programming language; its simplicity is remarkable compared to other programming languages and its power is based on the number of tools available for different areas of study. In hydrology, Python has different packages which are linked to mathematics, statistics, etc. 

This course is focused on how to use the different packages related to numerical tools, data analysis, representation of graphs, and others. Many of these tools are applicable to the field of Hydrology in the preparation of data for hydrological models, statistical analysis of hydrological parameters and model result representation. 

Python is a very versatile programming language that can be used to process data in a rather easy way and this course will give you the hints and examples on how to use Python in Hydrology which make it a useful language to improve hydrological evaluations.


In this course the student will learn:

  • The Python environment.

  • The different packages of data analysis in Python.

  • Analyze and plot hydrological data with Python.

Course content

Session 1: Anaconda interface

  • Basic concepts of the Anaconda distribution

  • Jupyter Lab tools

  • Interaction with the operating system

  • Advanced features

Session 2: Python

  • Lexical and syntax analysis

  • Types and objects (strings, list, tuples and dictionaries)

  • Expressions and operators

  • Conditions, iterations and functions

Session 3: Scientific computing

  • Numpy for numerical calculations

  • Matplotlib for plotting

  • Scipy for scientific computing

Session 4: Pandas

  • Filtering temporal series

  • Columns and rows manipulation

  • Pandas calculations and groups

  • Exporting data

Session 5: Precipitation data manipulation

  • Historical analysis of precipitation

  • Streamflow – rainfall relationship

  • Precipitation based calculations

Session 6: Statistics I

  • Regression analysis for rainfall

  • Statistical distributions for precipitation

  • Determining returning periods for rainfall

Session 7: Statistics II

  • Interpolation of data

  • Autocorrelation

  • Uncertainty intervals

  • Multivariate frequency distributions

Session 8: Filling missing precipitation data

  • Simple AA

  • Multiple linear regressions

  • Neural networks


Saul Montoya M.Sc. 

Saul Montoya M.Sc. is a Hydrogeologist and Numerical Modeler. Mr. Montoya is a Civil Engineer graduated from the Catholic University in Lima with postgraduate studies in Management and Engineering of Water Resources (WAREM Program) from Stuttgart University – Germany with mention in Groundwater Engineering and Hydroinformatics. Mr Montoya has a strong analytical capacity for the interpretation, conceptualization and modeling of the surface and underground water cycle and their interaction. 

He is in charge of numerical modeling for contaminant transport and remediation systems of contaminated sites. Inside his hydrological and hydrogeological investigations Mr. Montoya has developed a holistic comprehension of the water cycle, understanding and quantifying the main hydrological dynamic process of precipitation, runoff, evaporation and recharge to the groundwater system. 

Over the last 9 years Saul has developed 2 websites for knowledge sharing in water resources: (Spanish) and (English) that have become relevant due to its applied tutorials on groundwater modeling, spatial analysis and computational fluid mechanics.



Here are some details of each methodology:

  • Manuals and files for the exercises will be delivered.

  • The course will be developed by videos on private web platform.

  • There is online support for questions regarding the exercises developed in the course.

  • Digital certificate available at the end of the course.

  • Video of the classes will be available for 2 months.

  • To receive the digital certificate you must submit the exams after 1 month.

Date and time

November - 2020 (Central European Time (CET) - Amsterdam)

  • Tuesday 03, 2020 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

  • Thursday 05, 2020 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

  • .Monday 09, 2020 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

  • Thursday 12, 2020 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

  • .Monday 16, 2020 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

  • Thursday y 19, 2020 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

  • .Monday 23, 2020 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

  • Thursday y 26, 2020 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Cost and payment method

The cost of the course is $ 180 dollars.

This online course will be given on out elearning platform: . You will need to create an account to payment by Paypal and automatically you will register for the course.

For any other information please write to: