8 Hydrogeology Books You Should Know About

If you need hydrogeology bibliography that includes topics like modeling, groundwater quality and remediation, the options are scarce. In this article we will show 8 excellent and recent groundwater books and a summary about them.

The following books have been bought by the author in bookstores or through websites. They all are in English and are in no particular order.


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Gravitational Systems of Groundwater Flow

Autor: József Tóth

There are many books that explain the groundwater flow equations, but this book is focused on concepts related to gravitational groundwater flow at a regional scale and from a geological perspective.

Also, the author is one of the founders of modern hydrogeology. He talks about the interrelations between processes and systems apparently different but with something in common: gravitational groundwater flow.

Groundwater Geochemistry

Authors: Merkel, Broder J., Planer-Friedrich, Britta

Editor: Nordstrom, Darrell K. (Ed.)

Modeling hydrochemical processes requires a detailed and precise analysis of water, as well as the thermodynamic and cinetic input data. This book pairs geochemical theory with practical exercises in PHREEQC. The application examples include models of speciation, detemination of saturation index, water mixing, among others.

Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling

Authors: Chunmiao Zheng, Gordon D. Bennett

This book is designed to explain the basic principles of contaminant transport modeling, including the theory related to solute transport in groundwater, common numerical techniques to solve transport equations and step by step orientation about how to develop and use models at a project scale.

Bioremediation and Natural Attenuation

Authors: Pedro J. Alvarez, Walter A. Illman

Natural attenuation is rapidly becoming a very popular approach to manage groundwater and soil contamination due to dangerous substances. This book includes the current methodologies that scientists and engineers need to evaluate soil contamination issues, estimate the risk for human health and ecosystems through mathematical models and design appropriate remediation strategies.

Estimating Groundwater Recharge

Author: Richard W. Healy

The understanding of aquifer recharge is essential for a successful water resources management and also for groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling. This book offers a critical evaluation of theory and the assumptions related to the estimation of groundwater recharge rates. The book offers several practical examples that show the benefits and limitation of each recharge estimation method.

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Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution

Autores: C.A.J. Appelo, Dieke Postma

This book offers a quantitative approach for the study of groundwater quality and the interaction of water, minerals, contaminant gases and micrrorganisms. The book shows how physics and chemistry theory can be applied to explain the quality of the water observed and its variation in space and time.

Hillslope Hydrology and Stability

Autores: Ning Lu, Jonathan W. Godt

Earth slides are caused by a failure in the mechanic equilibrium which is dominated by two coupled physical processes: the sub superficial flow and stresses. This book presents a quantitative approach to understand the hydro-mechanical processes in saturated slopes and the prediction of earth slides caused by rainfall.

Applied Hydrogeology

Author: C.W. Fetter Jr.

This book analyzes all the faces of the hydrogeology, but focused on the application of math to understand flow regime and associated processes. The text presents many study cases in order to explain the movement of groundwater in several geological environments.

Note: All books are available online in pages like amazon.com, wiley.com, cambridge.org, among others.

Saul Montoya

Saul Montoya es Ingeniero Civil graduado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú en Lima con estudios de postgrado en Manejo e Ingeniería de Recursos Hídricos (Programa WAREM) de la Universidad de Stuttgart con mención en Ingeniería de Aguas Subterráneas y Hidroinformática.


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