Basic Example of a MODFLOW Model Review, Simulation and Output Representation with Flopy - Tutorial
/Flopy is a package of tools written in Python for MODFLOW groundwater flow model construction, simulation and output analysis. Flopy is build on top of well know and powerful Python packages as Numpy and works with Matplotlib and Pandas that allows to do a great amount of analysis with few lines of code. Several new capabilities in the water balance analysis can be done with Flopy bringing a better control to the modeler in terms of a more available and user friendly information of the inputs, outputs and discrepancies of the model. This tutorial shows the complete procedure to read, simulate and output analysis of a MODFLOW NWT model of a tunnel development with time. The tutorial include a discussion and review of the different tools available in Flopy and the interaction with QGIS.
You can download Flopy and access to more tutorial and documentation from its Github page:
Input files
You can download the input files from this link.
This is the complete unformatted Python code used in the tutorial:
# coding: utf-8 # # Import and display packages # In[ ]: get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') from IPython.display import clear_output, display from __future__ import print_function import time import os import sys import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import flopy print(sys.version) print('numpy version: {}'.format(np.__version__)) print('matplotlib version: {}'.format(mpl.__version__)) print('pandas version: {}'.format(pd.__version__)) print('flopy version: {}'.format(flopy.__version__)) # # Executables and model files # In[ ]: #route to the executable file #in Windows #modflownwt = '/MODFLOW-NWT_64.exe' #in Ubuntu/MacOS modflownwt = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'mfnwt') # first lets load an existing model model_ws = 'Model' ml = flopy.modflow.Modflow.load("ModeloDrenajeInfraestructura.nam", model_ws=model_ws, verbose=False, check=False, exe_name=modflownwt) # In[ ]: #display model spatial reference # In[ ]: #display model executable name ml.exe_name # In[ ]: # display model heading ml.heading # In[ ]: # check modflow options in Flopy ml.version_types # # Display model discretization and hydraulic parameters # In[ ]: #layer thickness and interface elevation ml.dis.plot(); # In[ ]: #horizontal anisotropy, hydraulic conductivy, specific yield, specific storage, etc ml.upw.plot(mflay=1) # # Display tunel as drain on different stress periods # In[ ]: #ml.drn.plot(mflay=2, kper=1) ml.drn.plot(mflay=2, kper=1) # # Export model features to shapefile # In[ ]: #Remember to have pyshp installed #pip install pyshp ml.dis.export(os.path.join('Shp',"Tunel_dis.shp")) # In[ ]: ml.drn.export(os.path.join('Shp',"Tunel_drn.shp")) # In[ ]: ml.rch.export(os.path.join('Shp',"Tunel_rch.shp")) # # Change model working forder and run model # In[ ]: #ml.external_path = "ref" ml.model_ws = "Run" # In[ ]: ml.write_input() ml.run_model() # # Read water budget per time step as pandas dataframe # In[ ]: mfl = flopy.utils.MfListBudget(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"Run/ModeloDrenajeInfraestructura.lst")) df_flux, df_vol = mfl.get_dataframes(start_datetime="10-21-2015") df_flux.head() # In[ ]: #plot water inflows with time df_flux['DRAINS_OUT'].plot() # In[ ]: #graph of the water balance at the beginning of tunnel boring df_flux.rename(columns={'DRAINS':'DRAINS_IN'},inplace=True) groups = df_flux.groupby(lambda x:x.split('_')[-1],axis=1).groups df_flux_in = df_flux.loc[:,groups["IN"]] df_flux_in.columns = x:x.split('_')[0]) df_flux_out = df_flux.loc[:,groups["OUT"]] df_flux_out.columns = x:x.split('_')[0]) df_flux_delta = df_flux_in - df_flux_out df_flux_delta df_flux_delta.iloc[1,:].plot(kind="bar",figsize=(10,10),grid=True, color='darkcyan'); # # Spatial water head representation # In[ ]: # display model times h = flopy.utils.formattedfile.FormattedHeadFile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"Run/ModeloDrenajeInfraestructura.fhd"),model=ml) h.times # In[ ]: #plot specific time for specified layer h.plot(totim=2.73312e+08, contour=True, mflay=2, grid=False, colorbar=True, figsize=(10,10), masked_values=[-2.00000E+20,-1.00000E+20]); # In[ ]: #export heads as shapefile h.to_shapefile(os.path.join('Shp',"Tunel_hds.shp")) # In[ ]: #create animation f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1,aspect="equal") for i,t in enumerate(h.times[:-6]): ax.set_title("totim:{0}".format(t)) #ml.drn.plot() h.plot(totim=t,mflay=3,contour=True, grid=True,figsize=(10,10), masked_values=[-2.00000E+20,-1.00000E+20], axes=[ax]) ax.set_ylim([6000,11000]) ax.set_xlim([11000,16000]) time.sleep(1) clear_output(True) display(f) ax.cla() # In[ ]: