How to upload Shapefiles to PostGIS with Python, Geopandas and SQLAlchemy - Tutorial
/In our research for new geospatial tools in Python and better ways to deal with geospatial data we found that complex or full featured processes are already included in the common spatial libraries as Geopandas. We have developed an applied example to upload point / line / polygon ESRI Shapefile to a Postgres / Postgis database with Python, Geopandas and SQL Alchemy in a few lines of code. Besides, we have simplified the procedure to run a Postgres database inside the Hakuchik Docker image fully connected to QGIS.
This tutorial requires Docker on your computer. You can install Docker in Windows following this tutorial.
#import required libraries
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Connect with Postgresql
engine = create_engine('postgresql://gis:gis@localhost:5432/geodatabase')
Open shapefiles
#create geodataframes from all shapefiles
pointDf = gpd.read_file('../Shps/wellPoints.shp')
lineDf = gpd.read_file('../Shps/contoursLines.shp')
polyDf = gpd.read_file('../Shps/lakesPolygons.shp')
#sample of import geodataframes
Bore | Elev | geometry | |
0 | A. Isaac | 976.579 | POINT (575546.629 4820354.914) |
1 | A. Woodbridge | 904.403 | POINT (564600.367 4807827.447) |
2 | A.D. Watkins | 965.698 | POINT (558944.843 4789663.820) |
3 | A.L. Clark; 1 | 694.670 | POINT (519259.006 4810958.617) |
4 | A.L. Clark; 2 | 1173.053 | POINT (585351.150 4811459.503) |
#you might need descartes, uncomment and run this line just one
#!pip install descartes
#a preview of the spatial data
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
Upload shapefiles
pointDf.to_postgis('wellpoints',engine, index=True, index_label='Index')
lineDf.to_postgis('contourlines',engine, index=True, index_label='Index')
polyDf.to_postgis('lakepolygons',engine, index=True, index_label='Index')
Input data
Input data for this tutorial in on this Github repository: