Mixing groundwater and seawater geochemical modeling with Phreeqc and Python - Tutorial


Phreeqc can solve geochemical simulations for a specific solution and simulations relying on previous results. We have developed a tutorial that goes through the Example 3 from the Phreeqc documentation in a stepwise approach to simulate groundwater, seawater, the mixing from both and cases regarding the equilibrium with calcite and dolomite. There is a Python class capable of running the input files and parse results incluided on the scripting part of the input files.

Link to the Example 3 of the Phreeqc documentation:




This is the code of the part B: mixing groundwater and seawater:

# This tutorial works on Windows and might work on Linux althought it have not been tested. 
# You need to have the batch version of Phreeqc installed
# Download Phreeqc from: https://www.usgs.gov/software/phreeqc-version-3

# import required packages and classes
import os
from workingTools import phreeqcModel
from pathlib import Path

Create a Phreeqc object, define executables and databases

#define the model object
chemModel = phreeqcModel()

#assing the executable and database
phPath = "C:\\Program Files\\USGS\\phreeqc-3.6.2-15100-x64"
chemModel.phBin = os.path.join(phPath,"bin\\phreeqc.bat")
chemModel.phDb = os.path.join(phPath,"database\\phreeqc.dat")
'C:\\Program Files\\USGS\\phreeqc-3.6.2-15100-x64\\database\\phreeqc.dat'

Set the input and output files

#Modeling pure water in equilibrium with calcite and co2
chemModel.inputFile = Path("../In/ex3b.in")
chemModel.outputFile = Path("../Out/ex3b.out")

Run model and show simulation data

Input file: ..\In\ex3b.in

Output file: ..\Out\ex3b.out

Database file: C:\Program Files\USGS\phreeqc-3.6.2-15100-x64\database\phreeqc.dat

                           * PHREEQC-3.6.2 *              

                    A hydrogeochemical transport model    

                     D.L. Parkhurst and C.A.J. Appelo     

                            January 28, 2020              

Simulation 1. Initial solution 1.        /                                             

End of Run after 1.395 Seconds.
Parsing output file: 3 simulations found
Simulation 1:  Example 3, part A.--Calcite equilibrium at log Pco2 = -2.0 and 25C.         from line 18 to 177 
Simulation 2:  Example 3, part B.--Definition of seawater. from line 180 to 331 
Simulation 3:  Example 3, part C.--Mix 70% groundwater, 30% seawater. from line 334 to 491

Show simulation components

simObj = chemModel.getSimulation(3)
Simulation content:
        Initial solution calculation: False
        Batch reaction calculations: True
        Number of reactions steps: 1

Get first batch reaction

simDict = simObj.getSimulationDict()
{'Number': 1, 'Start': 19, 'End': 156}
batchReact = simObj.getBatchReaction(1)
dict_keys(['solutionComposition', 'descriptionSolution', 'distributionSpecies', 'saturationIndices'])
sC = batchReact['solutionComposition']
Molality Moles Description
C 0.003190 0.003190 None
Ca 0.004350 0.004350 None
Cl 0.169700 0.169700 None
K 0.003173 0.003173 None
Mg 0.016520 0.016520 None
Na 0.145600 0.145600 None
S 0.008777 0.008777 None
Si 0.000022 0.000022 None
dS = batchReact['descriptionSolution']
pH 7.349000
pe -1.871000
Specific Conductance (µS/cm, [0-9]5°C) 18383.000000
Density (g/cm³) 1.005250
Volume (L) 1.005800
Activity of water 0.994000
Ionic strength (mol/kgw) 0.208800
Mass of water (kg) 1.000000
Total alkalinity (eq/kg) 0.003026
Total CO2 (mol/kg) 0.003190
Temperature (°C) 25.000000
Electrical balance (eq) 0.000239
Percent error, 100*(Cat-|An|)/(Cat+|An|) 0.060000
Iterations 12.000000
Total H 111.013100
Total O 55.549600
dS = batchReact['distributionSpecies']
Molality Activity Log Molality Log Activity Log Gamma mole V cm3/mol
H+ 5.626000e-08 4.478000e-08 -7.250 -7.349 -0.099 0.00
H2O 5.551000e+01 9.941000e-01 1.744 -0.003 0.000 18.07
C(-4) 7.127000e-24 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
CH4 7.127000e-24 7.478000e-24 -23.147 -23.126 0.021 35.46
C(4) 3.190000e-03 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
# Molalities for species from C
dS[['Molality']].iloc[2:15].plot(kind='bar', grid=True)
# Molalities for species from Ca
dS[['Molality']].iloc[15:22].plot(kind='bar', grid=True)
sI = batchReact['saturationIndices']
SI log IAP log K(298 K, 1 atm) Description
Anhydrite -1.42 -5.70 -4.28 CaSO4
Aragonite -0.25 -8.58 -8.34 CaCO3
Calcite -0.10 -8.58 -8.48 CaCO3
CH4(g) -20.32 -23.13 -2.80 CH4
Chalcedony -1.08 -4.63 -3.55 SiO2
sI[['SI']].plot(kind='bar', figsize=(12,4), grid=True)
# plot saturation values higher than -5
sI[['SI']][sI[['SI']]>-5].plot(kind='bar', figsize=(12,4), grid=True)

Input files

You can download the input files from this link.


Saul Montoya

Saul Montoya es Ingeniero Civil graduado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú en Lima con estudios de postgrado en Manejo e Ingeniería de Recursos Hídricos (Programa WAREM) de la Universidad de Stuttgart con mención en Ingeniería de Aguas Subterráneas y Hidroinformática.


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