MODFLOW Observed / Simulated Head Comparison Plot with Model Muse and Python - Tutorial


Groundwater modeling with MODFLOW and other codes are defined as inverse modeling where the aquifer parameters can be calculated from the comparison of model results with observed data. This comparison process is time consuming, employs acceptance criteria and trend analysis of the boundary condition influence.

There are tools for the comparison of observed and simulated heads in Model Muse and custom charts can be done with few lines in Python. This tutorial cover the whole procedure to create a simulated / observed plot in Python from the results of a MODFLOW model run on Model Muse. The study case is over a regional model with more than 100 piezometers. The tutorial creates a graph with a colorbar and exports it as a JPG file.


Python code

This is the code in Python for the tutorial:

# Import the required libraries
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
# Setup the model folder and model name
modPath = '../Model/'
modName = 'Modelo1'
# Import observation results as a Pandas dataframe
hobOut = pd.read_csv(modPath + modName + '.hob_out',delimiter='\s+')
0 3741.871338 3758.0 SD_04_1
1 3744.384277 3763.0 SD_04_2
2 3748.123779 3767.0 SD_04_3
3 3765.178711 3776.0 SD_04_4
4 3761.951904 3784.0 SD_05_5
# Column names are renamed. There is one more column on the dataframe from the difference in between observed - simulated
hobOut.rename(columns={'SIMULATED EQUIVALENT':'Simulated Head',
                      'OBSERVED VALUE':'Observed Head',
                      'OBSERVATION NAME':'Piezometer'},inplace=True)
hobOut.set_index('Piezometer', inplace=True)
hobOut['Residual'] = hobOut['Simulated Head'] - hobOut['Observed Head']
Simulated Head Observed Head Residual
SD_04_1 3741.871338 3758.0 -16.128662
SD_04_2 3744.384277 3763.0 -18.615723
SD_04_3 3748.123779 3767.0 -18.876221
SD_04_4 3765.178711 3776.0 -10.821289
SD_05_5 3761.951904 3784.0 -22.048096
#Piezometers that went dry are filtered from the plot, because there is no mean to compare a simulated dry piezometer with
#a observed head
hobOutFil = hobOut[hobOut['Simulated Head']>-10000]
Simulated Head Observed Head Residual
SD_04_1 3741.871338 3758.0 -16.128662
SD_04_2 3744.384277 3763.0 -18.615723
SD_04_3 3748.123779 3767.0 -18.876221
SD_04_4 3765.178711 3776.0 -10.821289
SD_05_5 3761.951904 3784.0 -22.048096
#Create a basic scatter plot with Matplotlib
#A identity line was created based on the minumum and maximum observed value
#Points markers are colored by the residual and a residual colorbar is added to the figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
x = np.linspace(hobOutFil['Observed Head'].min(), hobOutFil['Observed Head'].max(), 100)
plt.plot(x, x, linestyle='dashed')
plt.scatter(hobOutFil['Observed Head'],hobOutFil['Simulated Head'], marker='o', c=hobOutFil['Residual'])

cbar = plt.colorbar()
cbar.set_label('Residual (m)', fontsize=14)

plt.xlabel('Observed Head (m)', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Simulated Head (m)', fontsize=14)

Input files

You can download the input files for this tutorial on this link.


Saul Montoya

Saul Montoya es Ingeniero Civil graduado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú en Lima con estudios de postgrado en Manejo e Ingeniería de Recursos Hídricos (Programa WAREM) de la Universidad de Stuttgart con mención en Ingeniería de Aguas Subterráneas y Hidroinformática.


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