NDVI calculation from Landsat 8 images with Julia and ArchGDAL package - Tutorial
/On the research of performance tools for spatial analysis we took a chance on exploring Julia for applied raster algebra together with the ArchGDAL package. This tutorial shows the complete procedure to load rasters in Julia, plot them, extract the band arrays, calculate the NDVI index and export the resulting array as a geospatial raster.
For this tutorial you need Julia installed on you computer. Download Julia from this link: julialang.org
Install the Julia kernel for Jupyter following this link: github.com/JuliaLang/IJulia.jl
# Run this once to install the required packages
#using Pkg
# load the required packages
using ArchGDAL
# open the nir and red from a Landsat 8 images
redFile = ArchGDAL.read("../Landsat8/LC08_L1TP_042035_20180603_20180615_01_T1_B4_clip.tif")
nirFile = ArchGDAL.read("../Landsat8/LC08_L1TP_042035_20180603_20180615_01_T1_B5_clip.tif")
GDAL Dataset (Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF)
Dataset (width x height): 2107 x 1338 (pixels)
Number of raster bands: 1
[GA_ReadOnly] Band 1 (Gray): 2107 x 1338 (UInt16)
# open the band from the raster
redBand = ArchGDAL.getband(redFile, 1)
nirBand = ArchGDAL.getband(nirFile, 1)
[GA_ReadOnly] Band 1 (Gray): 2107 x 1338 (UInt16)
blocksize: 2107×1, nodata: nothing, units: 1.0px + 0.0
# read the band arrays
redArray = ArchGDAL.read(redBand)
nirArray = ArchGDAL.read(nirFile)
11×11 Matrix{Int64}:
7438 7437 7434 7434 7433 7418 7438 7439 7444 7439 7903
7434 7437 7458 7450 7435 7436 7434 7431 7451 7451 7594
7449 7455 7446 7440 7432 7432 7427 7464 7466 7455 7541
7447 7431 7431 7433 7432 7434 7423 7436 7447 7456 7714
7427 7444 7434 7416 7435 7445 7419 7421 7436 7420 7780
7427 7432 7447 7426 7435 7438 7434 7427 7431 7456 7579
7449 7472 7469 7438 7445 7452 7435 7434 7451 7469 7432
7441 7443 7446 7461 7466 7443 7443 7434 7420 7443 7469
7419 7440 7449 7423 7448 7447 7440 7419 7443 7453 7640
7405 7424 7439 7423 7450 7428 7413 7417 7420 7438 7608
7429 7431 7433 7424 7435 7440 7414 7420 7422 7444 7429
#explore the array type
Matrix{UInt16} (alias for Array{UInt16, 2})
redArrayFloat = Float64.(redArray)
nirArrayFloat = Float64.(nirArray)
6×6 Matrix{Float64}:
7438.0 7437.0 7434.0 7434.0 7433.0 7418.0
7434.0 7437.0 7458.0 7450.0 7435.0 7436.0
7449.0 7455.0 7446.0 7440.0 7432.0 7432.0
7447.0 7431.0 7431.0 7433.0 7432.0 7434.0
7427.0 7444.0 7434.0 7416.0 7435.0 7445.0
7427.0 7432.0 7447.0 7426.0 7435.0 7438.0
#define a function for the raster algebra
function ndviCal(red,nir)
#ndviArray = (nir - red)/(nir + red)
ndviArray = ((nir .- red)./(red .+ nir))[:,:,1]
ndviCal (generic function with 1 method)
@time ndviBand = ndviCal(redArrayFloat,nirArrayFloat)
0.347859 seconds (628.80 k allocations: 74.390 MiB, 14.36% gc time, 79.66% compilation time)
11×11 Matrix{Float64}:
0.519494 0.521659 0.523935 0.522175 … 0.525935 0.529058 0.492454
0.524041 0.522305 0.522978 0.52213 0.524171 0.523974 0.51294
0.521103 0.515893 0.52125 0.522388 0.527633 0.525099 0.514861
0.52177 0.521198 0.523883 0.525412 0.528313 0.526859 0.502868
0.523895 0.522239 0.523706 0.523852 0.524583 0.526771 0.498663
0.519335 0.520856 0.520276 0.523959 … 0.525691 0.526046 0.51262
0.520039 0.518169 0.519168 0.520516 0.520944 0.524691 0.523986
0.522186 0.522073 0.521311 0.520994 0.524313 0.527564 0.522671
0.523139 0.521066 0.521303 0.522068 0.525697 0.525815 0.5077
0.527562 0.523675 0.51946 0.522575 0.523886 0.526197 0.511117
0.525546 0.527561 0.521732 0.525956 … 0.526824 0.526839 0.526287
driver = ArchGDAL.getdriver("GTiff"),
) do dataset
ArchGDAL.setgeotransform!(dataset, ArchGDAL.getgeotransform(redFile))
ArchGDAL.setproj!(dataset, ArchGDAL.getproj(redFile))
Input Data
You can download the input data from this link.