How to install the Python geological modeling library Gempy in Windows with Debian and WSL

Gempy is an open-source library for modeling geology written in Python. The library is capable of creating complex 3D geological models including structures, fault networks, and unconformities and it can be coupled with uncertainty analysis.

Due to the required packages and specific configuration the installation of Gempy is a challenge on Windows, we have developed an alternative installation process by the use of a Debian kernel under a Windows Subsystem for Linux. This tutorial shows the complete procedure to install Gempy from the Debian kernel setup to the review of the Gempy in Python.

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Are we learning software in water resources in the wrong way?

However, based on what we see we still have some doubts about the way that we are learning software in water resources, and we are concerned if the level / rate of knowledge shared will cope with the next challenges of humanity as climate change in water resources meaning droughts, floods and others or developing sustainable policies in water resources.

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Basic tutorial of geological modeling with Python and Gempy

Gempy is an open-source library for modeling geology written in Python. The library is capable of creating complex 3D geological models including structures, fault networks, and unconformities and it can be coupled with uncertainty analysis.

We have created a tutorial of geological modeling based on geological contacts and surface orientations. The tutorial was developed in a Gempy container that runs under Docker in Windows 10; the tutorial covers the software installation and the geological modeling scripting.

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How much does a groundwater model cost? And how long does it take?

Development of groundwater numerical models on a commercial scale has brought some issues regarding stakeholder participation, prediction quality and indelible price and time.

It might be that the question of how much a model can cost can be resolved as an equilibrium of how much are people willing to pay and how much the consultant is willing to receive. We will discuss some topics of this critical but not well explained topic in this article.

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8 Tutorials of Contaminant Transport Modeling in Modflow and MT3DMS / MT3D

Groundwater remediation is a challenge for stakeholders, scientists and population due to the limited baselines, high uncertainty, limited budgets and timeframes, and not so strong modeling capabilities of related professionals on a general scope (don’t take it personal). We might think about the success of groundwater remediation when we achieve a big group - more than a hundred per country - of geoscientists whit high skills on groundwater modeling distributed on the private sector, the regulatory sector and academia.

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Tutorial: Wave Barrier Design with OpenFOAM and Salome

Coastal structures are subject to tidal and wave related boundary conditions. The design of a wave barrier have to assess the water levels on the inner bay from the impact of a wave and the maximum wave height on the outside part of the structure. This evaluation can be done by the use of dynamic simulations that take into account sea floor geometry, wave barrier height, position and interaction from the water channel and so on. OpenFOAM is an open source software for the simulation of flow in steady and transient states; the software allows us the simulation of the wave interaction with the coastal structure. The tutorial deals with the main parts of mesh construction in Salome and model set up and simulation in OpenFOAM.

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Modeling of Soil Erosion with Landlab in Python – Open Source Software

Soil erosion is the movement of the upper soil layers caused by processes related to water or wind. Soil erosion can occur slowly on the surface, however, soil alterations caused by human activity can increase this rate in 10 to 40 times. The evaluation of soil erosion is important to estimate the impact of human activities and the planning of remediation plans.

This article introduces the Landlab environment, which is developed in Python, as well as a practical example of soil erosion modeling on slopes over time.

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Modeling of Mine Tailings Dam Failure with OpenFOAM - Tamboraque Site - Videos

Tailings dams are supposed to last forever but they fail regularly due to a series of factors related to the construction and maintenance of the mine site. Accoring the cronology of mayor tailings dam failures of WISE Uranium Proyect there has been one mayor failure in 2017, two on 2016 and the last one in South America was on 2015 in Minas Gerias - Brasil. 

This article show the numerical modeling of a tailings dam failure relate to the Tamboraque site in Peru andes. The model represents the dynamic transport of tailings material as a non-newtonian fluid. Model was developed using high-end open source software as OpenFOAM, Salome Platform and QGIS.

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An overview of Freewat, the new MODFLOW interface in QGIS

A new and fresh opensource preprocessing and post processing tool is available. Freewat 0.4 was launched as a beta version and publicly available upon registration from this website: Most of the developers are italian and the project is funded under the H2020 program from the European Union and the Regione Toscana. The software comes with clear and descriptive documentation and tutorials plus the installation instructions. 
This article show the most important features of Freewat and its capabilities for representing the geospatially referenced regional groundwater flow.

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Key concepts for modeling groundwater flow driven by geothermal energy

For most hydrogeologists numerical modeling of groundwater flow is still new and brings several challenges when dealing with input data, model construction and simulation. Most of our modeling efforts are done in gravity driven groundwater flow on shallow aquifers solved by Darcy law equations. Sometimes we excel ourselves in conceptualizing "advanced" topics as unsaturated flow, contaminant transport, variable density or baseflow calibration. What about if we consider another driving force besides gravity? Will out lives be happier/miserable? Could we cope with the huge amount of required data?

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How to install Phreeqc on Notepad++

PHREEQC version 3 is a computer program written in the C and C++ programming languages that is designed to perform a wide variety of aqueous geochemical calculations. PHREEQC implements several types of aqueous models: two ion-association aqueous models (the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory model and WATEQ4F), a Pitzer specific-ion-interaction aqueous model, and the SIT (Specific ion Interaction Theory) aqueous model. Using any of these aqueous models, PHREEQC has capabilities for (1) speciation and saturation-index calculations; (2) batch-reaction and one-dimensional (1D) transport calculations with reversible and irreversible reactions.

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Key concepts to become a numerical modeler

Nowadays, water resources management requires a better understanding of nature and a superior evaluation of the impacts caused by humans. We are concerned and focused on sustainability because we live on a planet with limited resources and changing environments. In some way, we know that the actual changes are results from past and present actions along with the effect of nature cycles.

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Seepage flow modeling from mine waste dump with MODFLOW

Exercise developed and modified by Karen Martinez, Sandra Teruya and Saul Montoya

This example is a simulation of a mining dump which is a continuous source of concentrated leachate.

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10 reasons why a hydrogeologist should know MODFLOW

Numerical modeling has become an important part on most hydrogeological investigations. We can even say that the use of numerical models is on “fashion” in decision making processes about groundwater resources.
Numerical models are mathematical interpretations of nature and groundwater flow. They can have limitations, but still they are the best tools available for the understanding of current groundwater flow conditions and the simulation of predictive scenarios on groundwater resources.
This post shows the 10 most important reasons why a common hydrogeologist should know MODFLOW. Reasons are classified among scientific, professional and others.

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How much does a groundwater modeler cost?

After my last job as a staff groundwater modeler, I have received 6 unsolicited job offers. Of course many modelers with more years and more conections than I, have received much more offers, however, I feel happy with my humble record. The point of this comparison is that senior groundwater modelers with experience in mining hydrogeology are really scarce. Mining and consultant companies are looking for talented groundwater modelers, and somehow there are not much modelers coming out from the universities.

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Why is MODFLOW better than other softwares for groundwater modelling?

MODFLOW is the groundwater modelling software developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). It appeared in 1984 and has had a constant developement till now. MODFLOW’s capacities allow the representation of regional or local groundwater flow and its interaction with superficial water bodies.

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How to interpolate elevation values on Model Muse - VIDEO

How to interpolate elevation values on Model Muse - VIDEO

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Tutorial to create a MODFLOW Grid by shapefile and import elevation

Tutorial to create a MODFLOW Grid by shapefile and import elevation

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Tutorial: Well Interference Modeling and Interpretation with MODFLOW

Interesting modeling exercise of groundwater well interference with MODFLOW. This tutorial is made from the ground up with the input files and a discussion over the results. Three pumping were considered with rates form 5 to 10 l/s. Simulation period was set up to 15 years  and interference was analysed over 1, 3, 5,10 and 15 years.

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Tutorial to transform a 3D into a 2D Dam Seepage Model with MODFLOW

Interesting tutorial for the transformation of a 3D numerical groundwater flow model done with MODFLOW into a lightweight 2D model. The case of study is a groundwater flow model of tailing seepage done with horizontal discretization from 50 to 12.5m and 21 layers. The tutorial cover spatial object and dataset treatment together with some discussion on the model construction and discretization.

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