We have developed a webinar that covers an applied regional groundwater flow model with MODFLOW NWT, Flopy and geospatial libraries from Python. The study case in on steady-state groundwater flow conditions where geospatial data files (Esri Shapefile, Geojson) are used to define the model extension, drainage network and other boundary conditions. Surface elevation is imported as CSV file and interpolated directly to the cell center.
Model layer thickness is defined both as specified thickness and as a ratio of the total model thickness. Hydraulic parameter as K are specified as Numpy 3D arrays. The webinar also explore the options of Flopy to represent the cell parameters, boundary conditions in aerial view or cross section. The applied case has a emphasis on performing spatial queries with the Shapely library.
The last part of the Webinar is related to the model output analysis from the list file and heads. Flopy scripts are developed to represent the water table and the head potential isosurfaces.
Saul Montoya M.Sc.
Mr. Montoya is a Civil Engineer graduated from the Catholic University in Lima with postgraduate studies in Management and Engineering of Water Resources (WAREM Program) from Stuttgart University – Germany with mention in Groundwater Engineering and Hydroinformatics. Mr Montoya has a strong analytical capacity for the interpretation, conceptualization and modeling of the surface and underground water cycle and their interaction.
He is in charge of numerical modeling for contaminant transport and remediation systems of contaminated sites. Inside his hydrological and hydrogeological investigations Mr. Montoya has developed an holistic comprehension of the water cycle, understanding and quantifying the main hydrological dynamic process of precipitation, runoff, evaporation and recharge to the groundwater system.
Date and time
Friday April 24, 2020 from 6:00 pm to 8:15 pm. Central European Time (CET) - Amsterdam
Estimated duration: 2:15h.
This webinar will be given on out elearning platform: elearning.hatarilabs.com . You will need to create an account and register for the webinar.
Participation has a fee of $25 .0 USD. You can pay with Paypal or by credit card. Input files, support, notification will be given trough the elearning platform. Certificate is available upon the submission of a assignment.
If you have any question, please send an email to: saulmontoya@hatarilabs.com