Export MODFLOW6 3D model geometry (as Vtk) with Python - Tutorial

Generating 3D visualizations of groundwater models is essential to analyze the flow regime, perform quality checks and see the interaction of the groundwater body with external factors / boundary conditions. The Flopy library has tools to export the parameters, boundary conditions and results that we have modified and compiled within a Python class. The use of this class allows the generation of Vtk files on a friendly way and in few steps. The tutorial also includes a representation of the parameters generated in ParaView.

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Docker image containing the parallel version of MODFLOW 6 with application examples

Modflow on parallel processing seemed to lie in the far-off future, but now it’s possible to take advantage of most of your cores to run parallelized versions of MODFLOW 6. Since most MODFLOW modelers work on Windows we wanted to bring something more than a “packed” solution; our goal was to bring an enriched “packed” experience.

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Lithium speciation calculation on salt lake brines with Phreeqc and Python - Tutorial

Lithium interaction with the aqueous phase on brines phase is not well understood or at least not well covered by the scientific publications. To evaluate brine composition, brine dynamics and the interaction of the different components is really a challenge with the available tools for geochemical modeling as Phreeqc since it doesn’t appear in all the databases and in most it is only associated with sulfates.

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Online tools for groundwater modeling preprocessing with Model Muse - Tutorial

If you want to speed up some steps in groundwater modeling you might be interested in the tools presented on this tutorial. We have developed some online tools that replace intense and time consuming tasks on desktop software and web servers and provide vector and raster data on the formats required by Model Muse. The tutorial covers the steps of DEM generation as Surfer Grid File (*.grd) with the definition of watersheds and river network based on two online services provided by Hatarilabs.

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How to split Modflow 6 groundwater model with Flopy and MF6Splitter - Tutorial

Modflow 6 has changed in many ways the traditional concepts of groundwater modeling; now a group of models can run under a "simulation" and these models can interchange flow and transport. Under this structure Flopy has implemented a tool to split a groundwater model into several models where their results can be reconstructed and compared to the original entire models. Capabilities and features like this make Flopy and Modflow 6 a great tool for developing advanced groundwater models that simulate complicated tasks or requirements to the groundwater flow regime.

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How to direct download / clip elevations and import them to Model Muse with Python - Tutorial

If you work often with numerical models this process will save you much time. The traditional method of downloading elevation models (Aster DEM) from websites, and reprojecting / clipping them with GIS software can be time consuming and pulls you out of other critical tasks on model conceptualization and calibrations. We have done a complete process in Python under WSL that runs Ubuntu in Windows, this platform was chosen due to the complexities of installing GDAL in Windows.

There are two scripts, one to download the images and the second to translate and clip the image. Finally the elevation are imported as a Surfer Grid File (*.grd) into a model in Model Muse.

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3d visualization of Modflow 6 models with Model Viewer - Tutorial

Model Viewer is an excellent option for the visualization and even the animation of MODFLOW models. There is a version of Model Viewer for Modflow 6 models and another for the rest of MODFLOW versions. This tutorial deals with the whole procedure of 3d model visualization that covers the model import, setting up the vertical exaggeration, making isosurfaces, show flow direction arrows, plotting boundary conditions among other features of Model Viewer.

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Spatial data processing for groundwater modeling in Model Muse - Tutorial

Groundwater model creation requires a complete set of spatial data for the different hydraulic parameters, boundary conditions and other model items. Vector and raster data need to be preprocessed, converted, reprojected to fit the requirements of Model Muse.

This tutorial covers an applied case of raster and vector data processing for a groundwater model over the Oahu island (Hawaii, USA). The tutorial covers the steps to download the data, extract the river network and import the spatial data into Model Muse.

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Seawater intrusion modeling with Flopy and Modflow Buy over a Tupac Cloud project - Tutorial

Finally, a complete alternative for the simulation of seawater intrusion on fully geospatial groundwater flow models of coastal aquifers based on open source software. The groundwater flow model was constructed on the Tupac Cloud platform with two stress periods and a total simulation time of 40 years.

The Tupac project is downloaded and run locally on Anaconda where the Buy package for variable density flow together with the transport model are implemented on a Flopy script. A graphical representation of the grid, boundary conditions and results from the flow and transport models are developed as well on the Jupyter notebook.

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Tupac Cloud T.8: Coastal aquifer simulation with wells and rivers on steady and transient states

Applied case of regional groundwater modeling for a coastal aquifer with Modflow 6 using Voronoi meshes on Tupac Cloud. The aquifer has two stress periods (steady state and transient state) of 20 years each that simulate two phases of low/high aquifer exploitation. The model is constructed entirely from zipped shapefiles and rasters on the online platform. Results from the simulation are discussed on the water balances, water table distribution and cross section for all stress periods.

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Tupac Cloud T.7: How to download your Tupac Cloud project and run it locally with Python and Flopy

Tupac Cloud is based on Python and Flopy and every project can be downloaded to your machine for special analysis, furter Modflow 6 feature implementation, machine learning based calibration, or just because a local backup copy is required. This tutorial shows the complete procedure to download a Tupac Cloud project, the executable implementation, the scripts to run the flopy code and well as a description of the different files and folders from a model project.

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Tupac Cloud T.6: Transient simulation of tunnel interaction with the groundwater flow regime

This is an applied example of the impact trough time of a tunnel over the regional groundwater flow regime. The model has 5 stress periods with two variants of the drain (DRN) package implemented in Tupac Cloud. The tutorial covers all steps from model construction, boundary condition setup, model run and output data analysis.

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Tupac Cloud T.5: Groundwater modeling of a construction site dewatering with well and trenches

Applied case for the evaluation of a drainage schema on a construction site with Tupac Cloud. The model has three stress periods where the drainage schema starts with well pumping for 10 days and trench drainage with pumping for another 10 days. Results from the water balance were analyzed as well as the final distribution of head on the proposed construction site.

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Tupac Cloud T.4: Transient simulation of the trench excavation impact on a coastal aquifer

Local scale modeling of a 4 stage trench excavation on a coastal aquifer. The main objective of this modeling work is assessing the impact of the excavation on the nearby groundwater flow regime. The modeling work was done entirely with the tools, charts and tables from Tupac Cloud.

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Tupac Cloud Beta Tutorial 3: 3D voronoi model mesh generation as Vtk

From the latest developments in our codes, MF6 and Flopy we have created tools in Tupac Cloud for 3d mesh generation as Vtk files. This is an applied example of this functionality based on a dataset for river - aquifer interaction where the resulting Vtk are plotted on Paraview.

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Introducing Tupac Cloud: An online tool for groundwater modeling

Tupac Cloud is our developing online groundwater modeling platform. Models on Tupac Cloud are based on Voronoi meshes and constructed in MODFLOW 6 DISV from Flopy scripts. The whole project will have lot of tools and integrations with QGIS and Paraview, this is just an example of mesh generation for an applied case of river aquifer interaction.

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How to create quadtree refinements for MODFLOW 6 models from multiple shapefiles - Tutorials

Quadtree refinements are available for Modflow 6 models in the latest versions of Model Muse. This tool can be inplemented for many spatial objects as points, lines or polygons where you can specify the refinement level for each layer separately. We have done an applied case of mesh refinement of a regional model where the river network, observation points and tunnel aligment were defined as refinement objects.

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3D visualization of voronoi gridded models with Model Viewer for Modflow 6 - Tutorial

Model Viewer for Modflow 6 was launched in April 2022 and it is a version of Model Viewer customized to display the features, grid and results of MODFLOW 6 models. We have done an applied case for the visualization of a MODFLOW 6 DISV model that has a voronoi mesh. The tutorial covers the steps to visualize the model grid lines, grid shell, isosurfaces, color grid, flow directions among other visualization options.

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Interactive cross section generator for a voronoi gridded Modflow 6 model - Tutorial

We are allways on the research of new visualization tools for groundwater models and that would imply the review of different apis, codes and backends. This time we have done an applied example for the interactive generation of cross section from a Modflow 6 model with a voronoi mesh on a Jupyter notebook. The cross section shows the model grid, head distribution as a color grid and contours and its generated from the line delineation over the 2d view of the model grid. The code can be easily adapted to any Modflow model by editing the Python and Flopy code.

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Regional groundwater Modflow 6 model with Voronoi Mesh - Tutorial

We have developed a version of our Angascancha basin case study that runs on MODFLOW 6 with discretized by vertices (DISV). The model implements a Voronoi mesh that is generated from the basin boundary and river network and the refinement levels are defined by a minimum and maximum cell size together with determined refinement steps. The tutorial is complete in all the steps involving the model discretization, construction, simulation and visualization.

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