Groundwater modeling figures and related topics

Groundwater modeling figures and related topics

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Modeling Hydrogeological Units from Raster Data with Aquifer App and Gempy - Tutorial

Construction of complex and high performance groundwater modes requires an appropriate distribution of the hydrogeological units with depth. We have developed an applied case of 3D modeling of hydrogeological units from data provided as raster (*.tiff) files. The webinar all steps from orientation and elevation sampling from raster data, the conceptualization and setup of the Gempy model in Aquifer App and finally the postprocessing of the 3D lithology based on the surface elevation. The input data comes from the USGS research on the aquifer Systems in the Williston and Powder River Structural Basins, United States and Canada.

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4 applied courses in groundwater modeling with MODFLOW - Flopy and more

Besides doing amazing tutorials in groundwater modeling with MODFLOW and Flopy we also have the most complete set of Flopy courses applied to different areas of groundwater resources evaluation and impact assessment. But, there is more: we have a whole program that trains you from zero knowlege of Python to develop fully featured groundwater flow models. 

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Tutorial in Groundwater Modeling of Faults and Fractures with Modflow6 - Disv on Model Muse

With Model Muse and MODFLOW6 DISV you can model faults and fractures having small cells close to the fracture alignment. In order to achieve small cell sizes close to the fracture aligment the normal MODFLO6 discretization schema (columns and rows) creates a series of unused/unwanted cells, but MODFLOW6 came with two new discretization options that allow us to have local refinements close to areas of interest decreasing the total amount of cells and thus the decreasing computational time.

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Geological Modeling of Sedimentary Layers from Geospatial Data with Python and Aquifer App - Tutorial

A practical example for constructing a geological model using Python and Aquifer App, based on geospatial data in ESRI Shapefile format and raster data in Tiff format. The tutorial demonstrates the complete procedure of spatial data processing using libraries such as Geopandas, Rasterio, and Pyvista to create surface and orientation files, which are then input into Aquifer App. Finally, the project is run locally in Gempy, generating the geometry of lithology and contacts.

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Coupling local geological data into Model Muse with Python and Aquifer App - Tutorial

Spatial discretization for a mine related groundwater model has to come from geospatial data that has a system of reference (crs). The latest version of Modflow that is Modflow 6 implements the discretized by vertices option (DISV) that allows the creation of triangular, quadtree, voronoi meshes among other options. We have developed some Python scripts to create voronoi meshes from shapefiles where the user has to define a limit polygon, layers (point, line or polygon) and refinement levels. The code generates meshes with adequate performance and gives geospatial output for the final voronoi mesh as well as the intermediate steps.

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Regional geological modeling with surface topography with Gempy and Aquifer App - Tutorial

The coupling of Python scripts with the Aquifer App platform allows us to generate geological models with a versatility not seen before. This is a basic example of regional geological modeling in Aquifer App with surface topography from a digital elevation model in TIF format. The tutorial also makes a 3D representation of the contacts and orientations of the one layer geology in a Jupyter notebook for better analysis of the geological sequence.

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Geological modeling of horizontal sedimentary layers with Gempy and Aquifer App - Tutorial

The coupling of Python scripts with the Aquifer App platform allows us to generate geological models with a versatility not seen before. This is a basic example of geological modeling of two horizontal layers in Aquifer App that can create models using Gempy. The tutorial also makes a 3D representation of the contacts and orientations of the layers in a Jupyter notebook for better analysis of the geological sequence.

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Modeling Brine Density vs Concentration Regression Lines with Phreeqc and Aquifer App - Tutorial

Complex geochemical simulations are entirely possible to be performed with Phreeqc coupled with Aquifer App and Python. Brines can be simulated at different concentrations to obtain relations that are input of other variable density flow models. In this case we have model one brine, sodium bicarbonate, with the REACTION keyword with moles values that range from 0.5 to 12 moles. Values of mass, volume, concentration, and density were processed in Python from the dataframes generated from Aquifer App.

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Simulation of water evaporation with Phreeqc and Aquifer App - Tutorial

We define evaporation as the process of removing water from the chemical system in Phreeqc and this can be achieved with the REACTION keyword and a negative reaction coefficient. We have developed an applied case of water evaporation from precipitation water and the mix of the resulting water to restore the original volume. The whole Phreeqc setup, simulation and result analysis process has been in Aquifer App.

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Simple example of ion exchange modeling with Phreeqc and Aquifer App - Tutorial

An example that demonstrates the Phreeqc and Aquifer App capabilities to model ion exchange. This example uses the cation ion exchange approach where only the EXCHANGE keyword is used because EXCHANGE_MASTER_SPECIES and EXCHANGE_SPECIES are included in phreeqc.dat database. The model output is parsed as charts and tables and the solution composition and description are calculated and compared before and after the exchange.

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A Python class to export Modflow 2005 model 3D geometry and parameters to Vtk - Tutorial

Generating 3D visualizations of groundwater models is essential to analyze the flow regime, perform quality checks and see the interaction of the groundwater body with external factors / boundary conditions. The Flopy library has tools to export the parameters, boundary conditions and results that we have modified and compiled within a Python class. The use of this class allows the generation of Vtk files on a friendly way and in few steps. The tutorial also includes a representation of the parameters generated in ParaView.

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Seawater speciation modeling on cloud with Aquifer App and Phreeqc - Tutorial

No more installations, no more database link up, no more raw text data as model output. Aquifer App now can run Phreeqc with great tools for the geochemical model setup, database selection and tables / graphics for the different simulation components.

This applied example calculates the distribution of aqueous species in seawater and the saturation state of seawater relative to a set of minerals and is based on the Example 1 of the USGS Phreeqc example documentation.

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Sensibility analysis of transient pumping test with MODFLOW-6, Flopy and SALib - Tutorial

This tutorial covers the whole procedure to perform a sensitivity analysis over a 72 hour pumping test plus recovery on the hydraulic response in an observation piezometer located at 11 meters from the well. the Since the study case it’s a transient model the sensitivities will vary over time and stage of pumping/recovery.

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Geological modeling of sedimentary layers from geospatial rasters with Python and Gempy - Tutorial

Based on a coupled workflow on QGIS and Python it is possible to extract the required information for a Gempy model and run it for defined voxel sizes. This tutorial covers the whole procedure of spatial data preparation, data preprocessing in defined formats and geological modeling with Python and Gempy.

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Theis solution for pumping test interpretation in confined aquifers in Aquifer App - Tutorial

Theis (1935) developed a method to estimate values of T and S from pumping test data. Time and drawdown data are measured in an observation well and then matched to the Theis curve. Aquifer App, a web framework for applications in hydrogeology now has a tool for the interpretation of the Hydraulic Transmissivity based on the Theis solution. This is a perfect tool to parametrize homogeneous and confined aquifers on transient state flow conditions.

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Export MODFLOW6 3D model geometry (as Vtk) with Python - Tutorial

Generating 3D visualizations of groundwater models is essential to analyze the flow regime, perform quality checks and see the interaction of the groundwater body with external factors / boundary conditions. The Flopy library has tools to export the parameters, boundary conditions and results that we have modified and compiled within a Python class. The use of this class allows the generation of Vtk files on a friendly way and in few steps. The tutorial also includes a representation of the parameters generated in ParaView.

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How to create a Schoeller plot online with Aquifer App - Tutorial

We present our own webapp for the representation of the Piper Diagram, Stiff Diagram and Scholler Diagram. The webapp was developed in Python Django and it is entirely free for everyone. The main objective behind this webapp was to develop a user friendly and minimum requirement tool to create these water quality / hidrogeochemical diagrams. The video tutorial shows the complete procedure to update the working file and then generate the diagrams.

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Thiem steady-state solution for confined aquifers in Aquifer App - Tutorial

Aquifer App, a web framework for application in hydrogeology now has a tool for the interpretation of the Hydraulic Transmissivity based on the Thiem solution. This is a perfect tool to parametrize homogeneous and confined aquifers on steady state flow conditions.

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How to install the geological Python library Gempy in Windows with WSL - Tutorial

Gempy is an open-source library for modeling geology written in Python. The library is capable of creating complex 3D geological models including structures, fault networks, and unconformities and it can be coupled with uncertainty analysis.

This tutorial is developed under a Ubuntu 20.04.2 image installed from the Windows Store and covers all the steps to setup the user, install core packages, install Python packages and set up local paths to have a complete Gempy enviroment running under Jupyter lab.

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