Missing Crop Vegetation Areas Detection with Python and Scikit Learn

An applied case for the recognition of missing crop vegetation areas based on a drone orthophoto. Contours have been identified from an enhanced combination of raster bands with a marching squares method to find constant valued contours and then exported as geospatial polygons.

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Simplify / densify stream network online with Hatari Utils - Tutorial

Watershed delineation and stream network determination are common tasks on the hydrological analysis for any area of interest. There is a parameter on the stream network determination that allows us to have simple stream networks that resemble the main water courses or dense stream networks that map all the permanent / temporary streams. This is an applied example of  stream network determination on our online platform Hatari Utils where you can specify the number of upstream cells and interactively review the result.

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Geological modeling of horizontal sedimentary layers with Gempy and Aquifer App - Tutorial

The coupling of Python scripts with the Aquifer App platform allows us to generate geological models with a versatility not seen before. This is a basic example of geological modeling of two horizontal layers in Aquifer App that can create models using Gempy. The tutorial also makes a 3D representation of the contacts and orientations of the layers in a Jupyter notebook for better analysis of the geological sequence.

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Geospatial processing for a groundwater model in Model Muse in 14 minutes - Tutorial

Groundwater model creation requires a complete set of spatial data for the different hydraulic parameters, boundary conditions and other model items. Vector and raster data need to be preprocessed, converted, reprojected to fit the requirements of Model Muse. 

This tutorial covers an applied case of raster and vector data processing for a basin.

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Watershed delineation for basins containing internal lakes / reservoirs with Hatari Utils - Tutorial

Hydrological basins could have a diversity of shapes due to the morphology and it´s a challenge to have a process that can delineate basins with different characteristics in a short amount of time. Hatari Utils is an online platform for hydrogeological analysis that has a tool for basin delineation, in this tutorial we have tested the capabilities of Hatari Utils to delineate a basin that has an internal lake.

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Modeling Brine Density vs Concentration Regression Lines with Phreeqc and Aquifer App - Tutorial

Complex geochemical simulations are entirely possible to be performed with Phreeqc coupled with Aquifer App and Python. Brines can be simulated at different concentrations to obtain relations that are input of other variable density flow models. In this case we have model one brine, sodium bicarbonate, with the REACTION keyword with moles values that range from 0.5 to 12 moles. Values of mass, volume, concentration, and density were processed in Python from the dataframes generated from Aquifer App.

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Simulation of water evaporation with Phreeqc and Aquifer App - Tutorial

We define evaporation as the process of removing water from the chemical system in Phreeqc and this can be achieved with the REACTION keyword and a negative reaction coefficient. We have developed an applied case of water evaporation from precipitation water and the mix of the resulting water to restore the original volume. The whole Phreeqc setup, simulation and result analysis process has been in Aquifer App.

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Maps of Days without Rain generation with Python and Rasterio - Tutorial

Water resurces management requires not only some direct values as precipitation amounts but also more elaborated data as days without rain. Based on the CHIRPS dataset for year 2022 stored on NetCDF format we have elaborated a map of days without rain for a given country and exported the results as a fully geospatial raster. There is a particular discussion about the data type and the data value to calculate and store value just for the selected location.

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Could you delineate a watershed and river network in 52 seconds? - Tutorial

Delineation of watershed and river network is one of the most common tasks in modern hydrology but it might comprise a group of steps on a desktop software that take several minutes to perform. We wanted to recreate the process in an mostly automated workflow in an online platform that substantially reduces the amount of time involved in the process. 

We came up with a solution on Hatari Utils (utils.hatarilabs.com) that allows us to delineate a basin of 530 km2 in just 52 seconds. Results from the platform also include the river network and the main river and are available as geospatial ESRI shapefiles.

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ModelMuse version 5.2 has been released, explore what is new version.

Even though that the version 5.2 was released on March 22 2024 we just found time to make a video explaning the new features of this version and where they are implemented on the graphical user interfase. This new version of Model Muse allows to simulate variable density and variable viscosity flow among other features of Modflow 6. Have a look on the video and wait for our comming applied tutorials related to these new features.

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Land cover classification using a Naives Bayes algorithm with Python - Tutorial

Machine learning can be applied to many fields as land cover classification from remote sensing imagery. The performance and accuracy of classification will depend on the number of raster bands, the image resolution, the land cover type and the algorithm used. This tutorial will perform an applied case of land cover classification from a panchromatic image in Python using the Naives Bayes algorithm implemented on the Scikit Learn package. The classification will cover four categories as: rivers, river beaches, woods and pastures; coding is performed under a Jupyter Notebook with Python running from a geospatial Conda environment. Some graphics and statistics about the classification precision are also included on the tutorial.

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Simple example of ion exchange modeling with Phreeqc and Aquifer App - Tutorial

An example that demonstrates the Phreeqc and Aquifer App capabilities to model ion exchange. This example uses the cation ion exchange approach where only the EXCHANGE keyword is used because EXCHANGE_MASTER_SPECIES and EXCHANGE_SPECIES are included in phreeqc.dat database. The model output is parsed as charts and tables and the solution composition and description are calculated and compared before and after the exchange.

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A Python class to export Modflow 2005 model 3D geometry and parameters to Vtk - Tutorial

Generating 3D visualizations of groundwater models is essential to analyze the flow regime, perform quality checks and see the interaction of the groundwater body with external factors / boundary conditions. The Flopy library has tools to export the parameters, boundary conditions and results that we have modified and compiled within a Python class. The use of this class allows the generation of Vtk files on a friendly way and in few steps. The tutorial also includes a representation of the parameters generated in ParaView.

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Simple example of kinetic dissolution of calcite with Phreeqc and Aquifer Lab - Tutorial

This is an example of calcite dissolution with kinetics where a simplified rate and initial molality are defined. The tutorial covers creation of an input file for Phreeqc, database selection, Phreeqc simulation in Aquifer App and analysis of processed output data on a Jupyter notebook. Finally the molality of Calcium and pH are plotted with time.

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Interactive representation of a geospatial raster with Python, Folium and Rasterio - Tutorial

Sometimes we want to reproduce or want to get something similar to a desktop GIS environment on a Jupyter notebook with options to show/hide layers and select background maps, but there was a missing part on our effort and it was the raster representation.

We have developed an applied case of single band raster representation on a Jupyter notebook with Rasterio and Folium. The raster has to be in WGS84 and the script can be coupled with more Folium features for the representation of vector data, background maps, menus and popups.

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Simple example of irreversible reactions in Phreeqc and Aquifer App - Tutorial

This is a tutorial of geochemical modeling in Phreeqc and Aquifer App that uses the REACTION keyword for the simulation of irreversible reactions that transfer a certain amount of elements to or from the solution. The selected example deals with the reaction of rainwater with NaCl and Calcite over 4 steps. Phreeqc simulation and model output analysis are performed on the Aquifer App that has great tools for the model setup and the analysis through interactive menus, tables and charts.

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Simple example of mineral equilibrium in water with Phreeqc and Aquifer App - Tutorial

This tutorial cover all the steps to build and run a geochemical model of a water sample in equilibrium with Fluorite and Gypsum. The tutorial explains the parameters to setup a mineral together with and analysis of the element concentrations, the amount of dissolved phases and the final saturation indices.

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Automatic calibration of transient pumping test with MODFLOW 6, Python, FloPy and Scikit Learn - Tutorial

Python has awesome packages for machine learning that can be coupled to groundwater models and perform automatic calibration of hydraulic parameters. This tutorial covers the procedure to implement a neural network based on a set of parameters set with corresponding head values; the study case is on a transient pumping test model with an observation point located around 10 meters away from the pump well. The analysis predicts the calibration parameters from the spatially interpolated observed head values. 

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How to export a MODFLOW 6 model grid to shapefile with Python and Flopy - Tutorial

We did this tutorial since the documentation or examples on the topic were not available. Flopy can export the model grid and model attributes to shapefile with a coordinate system of reference for the three types of discretizations of MODFLOW 6. We have done an applied example to export the grid of a discretized by vertices model (DISV) to the ESRI Shapefile model. The tutorial also show options for the final grid representation in geopandas.

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Seawater speciation modeling on cloud with Aquifer App and Phreeqc - Tutorial

No more installations, no more database link up, no more raw text data as model output. Aquifer App now can run Phreeqc with great tools for the geochemical model setup, database selection and tables / graphics for the different simulation components.

This applied example calculates the distribution of aqueous species in seawater and the saturation state of seawater relative to a set of minerals and is based on the Example 1 of the USGS Phreeqc example documentation.

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